International Exchange and Methods of Remittance 国际幻灯片资料.ppt

International Exchange and Methods of Remittance 国际幻灯片资料.ppt

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Part Five International Exchange and Methods of Remittance;Chapter One Outline of International Exchange;International Exchange;Procedure;Reverse Remittance(逆汇,出票法) Payee or creditor draws draft and entrust bank to use instruments to get paid from foreign debtor.;Procedure;International remittance vs. domestic remittance;Differences between International remittance and domestic remittance;2、国际汇兑中的收款人可以是全球任何地方的个人或企业。 3、国际汇兑的付款人一般应是付款货币清算中心所在地的银行。 4、国际汇兑若采用第三国货币清偿或授受时,手续较多,费时较长,增加了客户的资金占用,不利于其资金周转,经办银行可以提供融资。这样,经办银行在国际汇兑业务中不仅有手续费收入,还有融资的利息收入,并可以根据汇兑的方式,不同程度地占用客户的在途资金。;Parties in remittance;1 Remitter;Main parties are mentioned above, but if remitting bank and paying bank have no direct account relationship, intermediary bank (转汇行) will be involved Intermediary bank (转汇行) : transfer funds to paying bank for remitting bank or collect funds for paying bank. ;Relations between parties; Remitting bank and paying bank : relationship of both correspondent and trust Payee and paying bank: Payee has an account in paying bank or has no relationship with paying bank .;Chapter Two Methods of Remittance;Methods of Remittance;Procedure of T/T;Characteristics of T/T;2 Mail Transfer, M/T(信汇);Procedure of M/T;T/T vs. M/T;3 Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft, D/D(票汇);票汇是汇出行应汇款人的申请,代其开立以汇入行为付款人的银行即期汇票,并交汇款人,由汇款人自寄或自带给国外收款人,由收款人到汇入行凭票取款的汇款方式。 ;Procedure of D/D ;Characteristics of D/D ;Characteristics of D/D;票汇业务中,中心汇票常常代替银行即期汇票。 中心汇票是各家银行开出的以汇票票面货币的清算中心所在地的银行为付款行的汇票。 汇款业务中采用“中心汇票”的优点 1 中心汇票的流通性较强,方便了银 行客户。 2 采用中心汇票汇款可以不占用汇出 行资金。;Chapter Three Reimbursement of Remittance Cover (汇款的偿付);每一笔汇款必须注明拨付头寸的具体???示,即每一笔汇款必然引起一笔相同金额的头寸偿付业务。 有的银行在相互建立业务代理关系时,在代理合约中订明汇款头寸偿付的方法,有的银行则采取在逐笔汇款委托书或汇票通知书中注明头寸如何调拨。 ;Styles of Reimbursement in practice;Manners to handle the cover;2) remitting bank opens account with paying bank The cover instruction given by the remitting bank in MT advice (信汇委托书) or payment order(支付委托书) could be “In cover, Pleas


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