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Lesson 133 Sensational news!;单词学习;reporter n. ; sensational adj. 爆炸性的,耸人听闻的 sensational news 爆炸性新闻 ; mink coat n. 貂皮大衣 ; Have you just made a new film? Yes, I have. make a film 制作一部影片,拍摄一部电影 just “刚刚“,表示动作完成不久 just now “刚才” (用于一般过去时) I saw him just now. ;Are you going to make another? No, Im not. another 不定代词 I’m going to retire. retire 退休 In 1974 he retired from the museum.;I dont want to make another film for a long time. want (sb) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事 She wants me to go with her. for a long time for +一段时间 我在那呆了3天 I stayed there for 3 days. 我在那住了10多年。 I have lived here for more than 10 years. ;Let’s buy a newspaper, Liz. Let’s buy= Let us buy. Let’s go swimming! Listen to this! listen to... Listen! Whats that noise? Can you hear it?;Karen Marsh: Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones. by+动作的执行者,意为“由….”或“被…” 培根写的一本书 a book by Bacon Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. arrive at 到达,小的地方 arrive in 到达,较大的地方 I arrived in England on Friday. We first arrived at London airport.;She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. wear “穿着“ (强调状态) She always wears green. put on “穿上“,表“穿上”的动作 She put on her coat and went out. dress “给…穿衣”,对象是人,而非衣物 She dressed her baby first, and then dressed herself. ;She told me she had just made a new film. 过去完成时:had+过去分词 (过去的过去发生的事情) His son told him that he had done his homework. She said she was not going to make another. She said she was going to retire. She told reporters she felt very tired and didnt want to make another film ;I wonder why! wonder “不知道,想知道”,表示疑惑 我不明白谁会这样干 I wonder who could do this. 我想知道他是否能成功 I wonder if he will succeed. ;直接引语变间接引语;时态变化;指示代词,时间状语,地点状语的;本课词句;练习一: 例题1. I am tired. --What did he say?(改间接引语) He said he was tired. 练习二:Im reading. --What did he tell you? He told me he was reading.


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