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新思维综合英语(3) 课程辅导Unit 11(51—55);Language Points in the Reading ;Don’t you find it upsetting to reduce an emotion like love to a chemical equation? 你不认为将爱情这种情感降低为一种化学方程式有些扫兴吗?   reduce … to …,“把……降低(贬斥)为……”。 The emperor reduced the officer to a beggar. 皇帝把这个官员贬为乞丐。   ;  。  ; ;What is love, chemically speaking? 从化学角度来谈,爱是什么? I try to distinguish between romantic attraction and romantic attachment because I think they’re chemically distinct. 我尽量???浪漫的相互吸引和浪漫的相互爱恋区分开来,因为我认为,二者之间从化学角度来说是不同的。 1. chemically speaking,“从化学角度来谈”,类似的表达:generally speaking,“通常来说”;honestly speaking,“说实话”,等。 2. distinguish between A and B,“区别A和B”。;What, then, is the basis for romantic attachment? What keeps us together? 浪漫式相互吸引的基础是什么?是什么让两个人形影不离? I believe that we’re programmed at birth to produce endorphins when we’re in close relationships. 我认为,我们的肌体在出生的时候就有这种功能,即当发生任何亲密关系就会产生内啡肽。   1. at birth,“出生时”。如:At birth, the baby weighed 4 kilos. 出生时这个婴儿重四公斤。   2. to be in close relationship,“保持亲密的关系”。如:Some people, usually rather lonely and unhappy ones, find it very difficult to be in close relationship with others. 有些孤独和抑郁的人觉得很难与别人保持亲密的关系。   3. to keep sb./sth. + adj.,“使某人/某事物保持怎样的状态”,如:to keep the meat fresh,“保持肉的新鲜度”, to keep the water cool, “保持水的清凉度”。   ;Why do people grow tired of each other? 为什么两个人会逐渐相互厌倦?   be tired of sb./sth.,“厌倦某人/某物”。   What’s intense in a relationship is the newness. 恋爱关系中最强烈的是新鲜感。   Romeo and Juliet, for example, never had a chance to get used to each other. 比如说,罗密欧和朱丽叶永远不可能有机会去彼此熟悉。  ;Why does being in love make everything in life seem wonderful? 为什么恋爱让生活中方方面面看起来那么美好? When we’re in love, it takes less stimulation to give us pleasure. 在我们坠入爱河的时候,我们更容易产生快乐感。   ; Do people work better when they’re in love, or are they too distracted? 热恋中的人工作效率更高还是更容易分散精力? When people’s emotional needs are being met, they work better. 人的情感需求得到满足后,工作效率更佳。; ;Phrases and Expressions


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