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朴新科技教育集团 2019年 10 月 13 日托福阅读回忆和解析 环球教育 广州学校 刘亚琼 整理点评 综合点评 今天阅读总体难度比较适中 ,其中 ,生物学考的是最多的占了三分之一的比例 ,所以备考的时候要着重生物类话题 , 积累有关的专业词汇 ,这样能够使得做题更加轻松 ;当然 ,也涉及到了天文学以及艺术类和社会科学类等。此外 ,旧 题重复率也是相当的高 ,题目范围也比较广 (2013-2018年 )。 Passage one 学科分类 题目 历史类 Documenting the Incas 内容回忆 重复 2013.01.12 ,2017.09.16 ,2018.09.16 关于印加文明记录不准确 ; a. 印加人没有自己的书写体系 ,依靠西班牙侵略者遗留的信息提供信息记录 b. 侵略史不准确 c. 自己的私利使得记录不准确 d. 地名记录不准确 参考阅读 Documenting the Incas The Incans ruled a vast empire in western South America when the Spaniards encountered them in the sixteenth century. Although the Incas had no writing system of their own, historical information about Incas is available to researchers because early Spaniards wrote documents about them. However, there are drawbacks to use the written record. First, the Spanish writers were describing activities and institutions that were very different from their own, but they often described Inca culture in terms of their own society. As an example, consider the list of kings given by the Incas. As presented in the historical chronology, 朴新科技教育集团 Spanish sources indicate there were thirteen kings who ruled sequentially. The names were given to them by Inca informants. However, one school of thought in Inca studies suggests that the names were not actual people, but, rather, titles filled by different individuals. Thus, the number of actual kings may have been fewer, and several titles may have been filled at the same tim


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