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2019 年9 月22 日托福阅读回忆和解析 环球教育 北京学校 尤卓然 整理点评 综合点评 生物学中,动物基因影响动物性格,New Guinea 物种隔绝和热带雨林的生物多样性也是此次考 察的几个重点话题;农业方面,介绍了北欧农业,美洲动物的驯化,灌溉系统的发展历史和提高 农作物产量的方法;历史学方面有印加对当地经济的影响,罗马对英国的影响,玛雅文明的衰落 和复活岛巨石之谜这四个话题;艺术类话题主要为文艺复兴时期的音乐与人文艺术等;综上可以 看出,生物学依然保持着主要地位,与此同时历史学类文章此次占比也有所上升,艺术类文章整 体难度较大。 Passage 学科分类 题目 one 历史学 Inca 对当地经济的影响 内容回忆 Inca 对当地经济的影响 参考阅读 2011 年1 月5 日真题 Inca and Its History Documents At the time of the Spanish Conquest in A.D. 1532, the majority of the vast territory of Andean South America had been united into a single political entity now commonly called the Inca Empire. Known to its rulers as Tawantinsuyu, meaning roughly “The Land of Four Quarters” in the Inca language, this empire included parts of the modern countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile. This huge domain was the property of a small kin group called the Incas. From their capital city of Cuzco, located in the southern highlands of Peru, the rulers of this realm controlled a vast territory encompassing approximately 906,000 square kilometers. Measuring some 4,000 kilometers north to south along the west coast of South America, this territory comprised an extreme diversity of environments, ranging from the world’s driest deserts on the Pacific coast, through the world’s second highest mountain range, the Andean Cordillera, to the lush tropical lowlands of the upper Amazon Basin. Within the borders of this empire dwelled a population of


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