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31 We waited and waited, but nothing happened. waited and waited 等啊等啊 , 强调动作的重复 We walked and walked, and finally we went through the forest. What happened? 32 ? 这里可翻译为 “等啊等啊 …… ” 表动作的重复 。 ? 同样道理,其他的动词也可以这样表示: 走啊走啊 跑啊跑啊 e.g. Walk and walk Run and run Happen v. 发生 句子有 happen 就要用物做主语。 waited and waited , but nothing happened 33 34 ? Suddenly someone shouted, ‘ It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped 尡 I looked at my watch. It was true . The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment , everybody began to laugh and sing . 35 It was true. It is true that+ 从句 …… 是一个事实 Is it true that your wife is in hospital ? The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. refuse to do sth. 拒绝去做某事 I refuse to leave. I want to leave, but my boss refused. 36 At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. at that moment = just then 就在那时 at the moment = now 现在 , 此刻 , 在此时 We're busy at the moment at any moment 任何时刻 , 随时 It may occur at any moment. 37 At that moment ? 短语中的 that 可以变为 the 。 At that moment 在那时 At the moment 此刻 At that moment = Just then ? At the moment = now 现在时 过去时 38 39 Lesson 9 A cold welcome 1 2 倒数计时活动的由来 倒数计时的活动是美国时代广场在 1904 年首 次举办的, 1907 年第一次举办水晶球跨年活动, 百年来风靡全球,已经成为纽约甚至全美最主要 年度活动之一。每年都有近百万人在午夜时分挤 上纽约时代广场,随着象征和平的水晶球在倒数 最后一分钟缓缓从天而降,现场气氛热烈到最高 点。尽管美国拉斯维加斯、迈阿密,甚至其他国 家都在仿效举办类似大型活动,但依旧不敌纽约 时代广场的超级魅力,每年全球有超过十亿人透 过电视实况转播观赏整个活动 3 What does 'a cold welcome ' refer to ? The clock did not strike at twelve because it had stopped. 4 A cold welcome 冷遇 cold adj. 冷的 , 寒冷的 , 冷淡的 猜猜意思? Cold fish 冷漠的人 Cold blooded 冷血的 Cold feet 害怕,胆怯( has ) Cold comfort 不起作用的安慰 Cold color 冷色 5 ? Cold welcome 意为 冷淡的待遇 。 ? 结合课文的语境,文中的 cold welcome 指的是 大钟没有准时地在新年时刻打响 。文中说道的 “ The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. ”(大钟拒绝欢迎新年)是一种 拟 人 的修辞手法。 ? 一般句子中有 refuse 意为“拒绝” 作谓语的话, 习惯都用 有独立意识的事物 作为主语。 6 7 8 welcome ? Welcome 不止可以作为 名词和动词 也作 形容词 (作为名词) A cold welcome. 冷遇。 (作为动词) He welcomed the visiting guests at the airport. 他到机场欢


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