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2014 届广西城市职业学院毕业论文 毕业设计(论文) 题目 工程总承包大型施工企业发展的必然趋势 分 院: 机电工程分院 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013 年 11 月 10 日 2014 届广西城市职业学院毕业论文 中文摘要 工程总承包是指从事工程总承包的企业受业主委托,按照合同约定对工程项目的可行 性研究、勘察、设计、采购、施工、试运行(竣工验收)等实行全过程或若干阶段的承包。 工程项目模式代表了现代西方工程项目管理的主流,是建筑工程管理模式(CM)和设计的 完美结合,证书也是成功运用这种模式达到缩短工期、降低投资目的的典范。曾经因其建 筑工程承包业以高速度、低成本地建造高层建筑和大型工业项目而著称于世。推行工程总 承包是我国施工企业调整经营结构,增强综合实力,加快与国际市场接轨的必然要求。本文 对我国工程项目总承包模式发展趋势现状调查和研究,深入分析了了我国工程项目总承包 存在的主要问题和发展成国际企业中出现的问题,并对问题提出了一系列有效措施。 关键词: 工程建设项目; 经营结构; 总承包模式; 有效措施 2014 届广西城市职业学院毕业论文 Abstract Engineering general contracting is engaged in the construction general contracting company commissioned by the owners, in accordance with the contract, feasibility study, survey, design,project procurement, construction, commissioning (acceptance), implementing the whole process or some stages of the contractor. The project represents the mainstream of modern western engineering project management, construction project management is a mode (CM) binding and perfect design, model certificates successfully use this mode to shorten the construction period, reduce the investment objective. Once the construction contracting industry at a high speed,low cost to build project of high-rise buildings and large industrial is famous in the world. Implementation of general contracting is Chinas construction enterprises adjust business structure, enhance the comprehensive strength, speed up the inevitable requirement of the convergence with the international market.Investigation and Study on the present status of the development trend of general contracting project in China, analyzes the main existing problems and development projects in China into the international general contract in the enterprises, and a series of effective measures proposed to the question. Keywords: Engineering construction projects; Management structure; General contracting mode; Effective measures 2014 届广西城市职业学院毕业论文 目录 1. 绪论....................................................................................


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