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Features of Roman Mthology Imitative Syncretic Realistic Religious Imitative& Syncretic Ovidius Metamorphoseon libri Imitative& Syncretic Jupiter 神王--宙斯Zeus. Juno 神后--赫拉Hera. Minerva 智慧女神--雅典娜Athena。 Venus 美神、爱神--阿佛洛狄忒Aphrodite。 Diana 月神--阿尔忒弥斯Artemis。 Apollo 太阳神—阿波罗Apollo。 Ceres 丰收女神--德墨忒尔Demeter。 Mercury 神的使者--赫耳墨斯Hermes. Neptune 海神--波塞冬Posidon, Pluto 地狱之神、死神--哈迪斯Hades,。 丘比特 Cupid 小爱神--厄洛斯Eros。 欧若拉 Aurora 黎明女神--厄俄斯Eos。 Imitative& Syncretic Realistic—emphasize on human Religious—serve for regime A Stroy From Roman Mothology Aurora 欧若拉 The Roman goddess of the dawn In charge of Northern Lights She flies to the sky every day to proclaim the arrival of daylight Hope Expectation A story of love triangle among: Aurora 欧若拉 Cephalus克法罗斯 Procris普洛克里斯 A story of love triangle among: Aurora 欧若拉 Cephalus克法罗斯 Procris普洛克里斯 Aurora lost her heart to a young hunter named Cephalus. So she took him away and cared for him a lot, but labored in vain. Cephalus has been married to Procris and loved her very much. Angrily, Aurora let him go and said to him, “Go away! One day, you’ll regret for seeing her again!” One day, Procris got a shotgun from a goddess. She gave it to her husband without knowing that it would bring misfortune to them. He took the gun with him everytime he hunted. Until one day, someone told his wife Procris that he might be in contact with a girl named Aura. She became worried and decided to investigate. She followed her husband secretly to see what happened. When Celphalus was tired and sat against a tree, he said loudly,” Come on, my dear Aura! Blow the heat away from me!” Suddenly, he heard a sob and thought it a monster. Without any delay, he shoot towards the sound. When he
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