人教版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section B (2a-2c)课件.ppt

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section B (2a-2c)课件.ppt

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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B (2a-2c) 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级下册 Before reading elephant giraffe pandas tiger lion koalas Let’s discuss (讨论) What animals are in great danger? Skimming(快速浏览,看谁找得快) Which country:____________ What animal:_____________ Tip1: Skim the passage and the picture.(快速浏览,找信息。) Thailand Elephants Scanning(快速阅读) Read the whole passage and check the best title for it.(选择最佳题目) ______ What Is an Elephant? ______ Come to Thailand ______ Let’s Save the Elephants ______ Elephants Are Good Pets √ Tip2: Pay attention to key words and sentences. 注意关键词句。 Careful reading Para. 1 Which one is the flag of Thailand?______ A B C first flag had ______ symbol of _______ Task 1 Task 2 B a white elephant good luck Importance in Thailand Para. 2 Task 1:Read and find out the topic sentence. (读课文并找出主题句) Elephants are smart animals. abilities can play _______or_______ can also ________well can _______for a long time And never ______________ can also ________places with food and water. soccer music draw walk get lost remember Tip 3 : Topic sentence(主题句) is usually the first/last sentence. Task 2:Read para.2 again and fill in the blanks. 再次阅读第二段,完成表格 Para. 3 ivory The number of the elephants Before Today 3000 over 100,000 What happened to the elephants? Elephants are in great danger Task 1 Before Today People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. How to save them don’t cut down so many _________ don’t _________ things made of ivory ____________ is Thai Elephant Day Why? trees buy March 13th Task 2 Task 3 Para. 3 Retell the article according to the mind-map. 根据图表复述课文 Importance in Thailand first flag had ______ symbol of _______ Facts and figures people ______ many trees people kill them for _____ today there are ______ (over _______ before) Abilities Can play ________ Can also ________ well Can ______ places with food and water How to save them don’t cut down so many ___


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