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欢迎下载 欢迎下载 PAGE # 2019 年 7 月西交《英语 2(新录)》在线作业 1、 Hello,mayItalktotheheadmasternow? — . Sorry,heisbusyatthemoment No,youcan t Sorry,youcan t Idon tknow 正确答案 :A 2、 DoyouthinkIcouldborrowyourdictionary? — Yes,youmayborrow Yes,goon Yes,helpyourself Itdoesn tmatter 正确答案 :C 3、 WhatcanIdoforyou,madam? — . Iwantakiloofapples Youcangoyourownway Thanks Excuseme.I mbusy 正确答案 :A 4、 Doyoumindtellingmewhereyou refrom? — Certainly.I mfromLondon Sure.IwasborninLondon Notreally,youcandoit Certainlynot.I mfromLondon 正确答案 :A 5 、 MayIseethemenu,please?I vebeenwaitinganhouralready Thatisthemenu,sir Yes,pleasegoon Hereyouare,sir Ofcourse,sir 正确答案:C 6、 rmafraidIvegotaterribleflu. Nevermi nd Keepawayfromme Bettergoa ndseeadoctor Youn eedbemorecareful 正确答案:C 7 、 It scoldi nhere.Doyo umin diflclosethedoor? Withpleasure Y es,please Ofcourse not Thankyou 正确答案:C 8、I mgoingtoAmericaforaholidaynextweek. — Goodbye Wishyousuccess Forsure That sgreat 正确答案:D 9、Whatabeautifuldressyou rewearing! — No,tha nks Thankyou Y es,itis Sorry,itisn t 正确答案:B 10、Wouldyoulikeacupofcoffee? — It sverykindofyou No,Iwouldn t Y es,please Hereyouare 正确答案:C 11、 Hestudiedhardinhisyouth,__ __contributedtohisgreat success ini aterlife. that it what which 正确答案:A 12、 He sdeterminedtofinishthejob Iongittakes. no matter however wherever whatever 正确答案:A 13、 Shestheonlychildinherfamily,buttheydidntreally her. hurt damage spoil harm 正确答案:C 14、 Forasuccessfulbusiness,friendlyand staffarees sen tial. sufficie nt effective efficie nt respective 正确答案:C 15、 Strict measureshavebeentakenduringthe Preside ntsvisit. secure security safe save 正确答案:B 16、 Idon tknowwhysheavoids heropiniononthesubject. togive tobegive n givi ng be in ggive n 正确答案:C 17、 Thepoliceare thetwomissingchildren. A」ookin gout B」ookin gafter C」ookin gfor D」ookingon 正确答案:C 18、 Idonotintendtofollowthat,becauseweshallhaveanopportunity todosoonanother . occasi on situati on con diti on en vir onment 正确答案:C 19、 Thediffere ncebetwee nan Africa nelepha ntandan



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