(外研社版)四年级英语下册课件Module 7 Unit1I_helpedMum.课件.ppt

(外研社版)四年级英语下册课件Module 7 Unit1I_helpedMum.课件.ppt

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* Module 7 Unit1 I helped Mum. 四年级新标准3年级起点第4册: * Yesterday was a holiday. It was a beautiful day. We rowed a boat on the lake. We all had a very happy day. * My weekend(我的周末) Yesterday was sunny. I was at home. I listened to music. And I phoned Grandma. I was very happy ! * On Monday Amy phoned Grandma. What were they talking about? 周一Amy和远在英国的奶奶通了电话,告诉奶奶自己上周末的活动,而且Amy还描述了Sam和 Tom 的上周末活动。 * Learn the text: 1、Listen and point. 2、Listen and answer: Who helped Mum ? * cook play phone cooked played phoned wash watch help washed watched helped / d / / t / * 我们分别模仿Amy和Grandma,看哪个小组模仿的最像! * watched TV helped Mum played on the computer cooked noodles washed clothes Read and match(自读课文,完成连线) * Look and say: Yesterday Amy phoned grandma. Yesterday Dad watched TV. * Point and say: Yesterday Grandma ______ fish. Yesterday Amy ________clothes. Yesterday Sam _______ on the computer. Yesterday Tom _______ Mum. cooked played washed helped * 1、小组活动: 猜猜我做了什么? A:做动作 B询问C:What did he \she do yesterday? C:(根据动作猜测) He \she… 2、全班展示 * cook noodles play basketball wash clothes phone grandma play on the computer watch TV play football help Mum * 开始计时 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Time is up! 幸运搭档 (每队派两人,运用所学句型展开竞猜比赛,30秒内猜对图片最多的即为获胜!) Have a match: * My weekend(我的周末) Yesterday was_____. I was at______. I____________. And I__________. I was very happy ! Hello ,everyone! I’m___. * Summary: 1、Helping others is helping ourselves. (在生活中要主动去帮助家人、朋友和需要帮助的人,助人为乐是种美德。) 2、Who is the winner? * Homework: 1、模仿课文,写写自己周末做过的事情: My weekend: Yesterday I______ . I_________ . 2、认真读课文三遍,注意读准 语音语调。 * * yesterday I listen to music * yesterday I I listen to music. ed * watch TV yesterday. I ed * yesterday I talk


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