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;很高兴做某事 出去采访 专业摄影师 拍照 很热切做某事 对某事渴望 帮助某人做某事 全神贯注于某事 获取信息 对。有灵敏的嗅觉 通知某人某事 记住 行为准则 ;1 Be delighted to do sth 2 Go out on a story 3 Professional photogrpher 4 Take photograph 5 Be eager to do sth 6 Be eager for sth 7 Concentrate on 8 Acquire information 9 Have a good nose for sth 10 Keep in mind 11 My list of dos and don’ts;Speaking ;Jpsh Cooke (J) is a famous writer. His new book was published last week,a reporter wants to make an appointment to interview him, so she is calling him. R: hello, May I speak to Mr, Josh Cooke, please? J: speaking. R: This is Rebecca Carter of yours magazine . J: What can I do for you, Miss Carter? R: We are going to introduce your newly published book where the road ends, and I’d like to have an interview with you, shall we make an appointment? J: Well, when? R: When do you think is convenient for you? J: I am not sure, I will have to check my schedule. I shall be busy from Monday to Thursday but I can be free on Friday morning , what about around ten o’clock? R: Why don’t we meet at twelve and have a talk over lunch? I know a very nice place. J: Where is it? R: It’s on Fifth Avenue, and it is called Rose Garden. J: I know that place, I will be there at twelve then, Good-bye ,Miss Carter.;谈新闻报道类作文写作。 新闻报道是实用性较强的写作,叙评议相结合。它是对新近发生的事实的报道,其特点有:1,内容客观真实,2。新近发生的(时效性),3,新鲜的和大家所关注的(新闻价值),4通过新闻工具和其他各种手段进行报道传播(传播媒介)。 新闻五要素。在写新闻报道时,一定要交代清楚什么事what .什么人who .什么时间when .什么地点where ,为什么发生why .有时还要写明怎么发生“How” ;请按照以下提示,写一篇英语短文,报道圣火到达珠穆朗玛峰这一事件 1。奥运火炬于5月8日北京时间9:18到达珠峰峰顶。 2。登顶的5名登山队员分别是:Gegyi, Nyima Cering , Cering Wangmo, 王勇峰,黄春贵。 3。登顶成功后,登山队员展示了奥运会会旗,中国国旗和北京奥运会会徽,并向全世界发出邀请,北京欢迎你 4。这是奥运圣火第一次到达世界第三极海拔8844。43米的珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,实现了中国在争办奥运会时奥运圣火将登珠峰的承诺,也是科技奥运理念的具体体现。 ;Olympic flame reaches top of Mt Qomolangma The Beijing Olympic flame reached the top of Mt Qonolangma at 9:18 a.m. Beijing time on May 8. The relay on Mt started with Gegyi as the first bearer and Wang Yongfeng as the second , Then Nyima Cering and Huang Chungui continued with the relay, The last of the


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