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* * 1102 Group 4 转喻法 (Metonymy) 提喻法 (Synecdoche) Contents Definition 2 Metonymy 3 Synecdoche 4 Comparison 5 Introduction 1 Introduction Literal Language Figurative Language (Trope修辞,比喻) Simile Metaphor Metonymy Synecdoche Definition of Metonymy Metonymy is a figure of speech has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. 转喻是在提及事物时不用其本身的名字称呼而是用与它密切相连的概念来替代它的一种 英语修辞格。 它着重的是事物本身的特点或它与其他事 物之间的特殊关系 ( 1 ) 以事物的特征代替事物、人本身。 ( 2 ) 以工具代替动作或行为者 ( 3 ) 以人或物代特征 ( 4 ) 以事物活动的场所代替事物或活动者 ( 5 ) 以某物的产地代替该物 ( 6 ) 以作者或生产者代替作品或产品 ( 7 ) 以容器代替其中内容 .。。。。。。。。。 用法 Metonymy 转喻 Metonymy(转喻) ( 1 ) 以事物的特征代替事物、人本身。 Gray hair should be respected. No cross, no crown. ( A proverb ) Metonymy(转喻) ( 2 ) 以工具代替动作或行为者 He was raised to the bench. His pen sways over half of the civilized world. Metonymy(转喻) ( 3 ) 以人或物代特征 There is much of the schoolboy in him. The wolf and the pig mingled together in his face. Metonymy(转喻) ( 4 ) 以事物活动的场所代替事物或活动者 The White House (白宫) → the President or Executive branch of the US government Capitol Hill (国会山) → the legislative branch of the U. S. government Wall Street (华尔街) → U. S. Financial circles Metonymy(转喻) ( 5 ) 以某物的产地代替该物 Would you care for a cup of Longjing? Maotai Scotch ( whisky威士忌) Metonymy(转喻) ( 6 ) 以作者或生产者代替作品或产品 Our Sony worked well. We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. Metonymy(转喻) ( 7 ) 以容器代替其中内容 He is fond of the bottle. 他喜欢喝酒。 What dishes would you like? 您要什么莱? The kettle is boiling. 壶(水)开了。 He is in his cups again. 他又喝醉了。 Exercise He set the room roaring with laughter. 他使全屋子爆发出笑声。 The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket. 他的钱少得可怜, 买不起那件大衣。 Whenever my husband has a bad day at the office, he hits the bottle. 每当我丈夫在办公室不顺心,他就喝得酩酊大醉。 Metonymy(转喻) ( 8 ) 以具体事物代替抽象事物 He lives by the pen. He is too fond of the bottle I found the patriot in him. Don’t act/play the fool. Play the man! Meto


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