新人教版初中八年级上册英语Unit 5单元测试卷.pdfVIP

新人教版初中八年级上册英语Unit 5单元测试卷.pdf

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精品文档 用心整理 Unit 5 过关测试 限时:60 分钟 满分:100 分 一、单项选择(每小题1 分,共15 分) 1.When spring comes,trees begin to ________ green. A .sound B .taste C .keep D .turn 2 .With the development of science and technology, robot cooks ________in our families in the future. A .appear B .appeared C .will appear D .were appearing 3 .The boss asked Tim to go and________out if there was anyone else absent. A .find B .finding C .to find D .found 4 .Both Kate and I ________ ready for the new high school life. A .am B .is C .are D .be 5 .Meimei is going to be an older sister. Her parents are planning to have their _______ child. A .one B .two C .first D .second 6 .Maria would like________an animal doctor. A .be B .being C .to be D .to being 7 .My parents always tell me________more vegetables and fruit. A .eat B .eating C .eats D .to eat 8.I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope________Hawaii this winter. A .visiting B .to visit C .visited D .to visiting 9 .The story of Tom Sawyer________in Missouri, America, in the 19th century. A .had happened B .was happening C .has happened D .happened 10.Everyone________have a chance to be successful if he tries his best. A .should B .may C .has to D .need 资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用 精品文档 用心整理 11.—How is film you saw last night? —You mean one,LostInThailand( 《人再囧途之泰囧》)? That's wonderful! A .a; the B .the; the C .the; / D ./; the 12.We are watching a(n) . The football players are running fast. A .action movie B .sports show C .sitcom D .talk show 13.Pau



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