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个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途 浙江省衢州市衢州二中2018-2018学年高一上学期期末考试英语 一. 单项选择 20% < 共 40 小题,每小题 0.5 分。) 1. Oh, my feet hurt! We must have walked for four hours _________ today.ovQPon2wse A. continue B. straight C. timely D. directovQPon2wse 2. – Well, you want a solution and beggars can ’t be choosers.ovQPon2wse -- You ’re right. Desperate times _________ desperate measures!ovQPon2wse A. call on B. call up C. call for D. call backovQPon2wse 3. I know I look terrible, but I ’ll get through it. I ’m using eye ______, and I ’m taking cough medicine. I should be better by the time of the presentation. ovQPon2wse A. tears B. cleansing C. drops D. creamovQPon2wse 4. Are you ready to make some money. Let ’s ________________.ovQPon2wse A. get started B. get start C. get a start D. get startingovQPon2wse 1 / 33 个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途 5. Who ’s your best player? That would be Sarah. She’s a __________.ovQPon2wse A. nature B. natural C. talented D. telentingovQPon2wse 6. ___________ Put your foot on the brake! I am braking. No, your foot is on the gas pedal! A. Take care! B. Attention! C. Relax! D. Look out!ovQPon2wse 7. I was just trying out the weight machine. I think I must be doing something wrong.ovQPon2wse ______________ I ’ve been working out on these machine for a few months. So I ’m pretty used to them.ovQPon2wse A. Maybe you are. B. Maybe it can ’t help. C. Maybe I can help. D. Maybe you are right.ovQPon2wse 8. I thought we might stay in a cabin near the lake.ovQPon2wse ________ That sounds a little too rustic ( 乡村的 > for me.ovQPon2wse Which is not a good choic


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