2020中考冲刺18 宾语从句和定语从句(学生版)【英语】临考题号押题.docVIP

2020中考冲刺18 宾语从句和定语从句(学生版)【英语】临考题号押题.doc

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题号18 宾语从句和定语从句 〖真题回顾〗 A 1.【2019 ? 广西北部湾经济区】—Do you know_______? —Yes, we’ll take a bus there. A. when we will go the museum tomorrow B. when will we go to the museum tomorrow C. how we will go the museum tomorrow D. how will we go to the museum tomorrow 2.【2019 ? 黑龙省大庆市】Excuse me, could you tell me_______? A. where is the railway station B. how can I get to the railway station C. where the railway station is D. how do I get to the railway station 3.【2019 ? 甘肃省天水市】The teacher asked Li Hua_______. A. why is he late for class B. why he is late for class C. why was he late for class D. why he was late for class B 1.【2019 ? 湖北省黄石市】—I wonder_______in Guangzhou in two hours. —Of course. The high speed train is very fast. A. When I can arrive B. When can I arrive C. whether I can arrive D. whether can I arrive 2.【2019 ? 四川省眉山市】—What did Tom say to you just now, John? —He asked_______. A. why I am so happy today B. what will I do for the weekend C. Who did I play football with after school D. if I could go to the movie with him tonight 3.【2019 ? 甘肃省武威市】I wonder_______Tom had a good time having a picnic yesterday. A. that B. if C. what D. which C 1.【2019 ? 江苏省镇江市】—Do you believe that humans could live on Mars? —I don’t think_______. A. if it comes true B. that it will come true C. why it will come true D. how does it come true 2.【2019 ? 湖南省岳阳市】I’ll never forget the story_______. A. that cheers me up B. who cheers me up C. what cheers me up 〖命题探究〗 定语从句是中考必考考点之一,主要考查的是时态及宾语从句的语序,有时也会考查定语从句的引导词。考查的主要形式是单项填空、完形填空、短文填空和完成句子。阅读理解和书面表达肯定也会考查到定语从句。因此学生要熟练掌握定语从句的用法。关系代词引导的定语从句最为常见和常考。 〖解题秘籍〗 宾语从句须注意,几点事项应牢记。 一是关键引导词,不同句子词相异。 陈述句子用that;一般疑问是否(if,whether)替; 特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。 二是时态常变化,主句不同从句异。 主句若为现在时,从句时态应看意; 主句若为过去时,从句时态向前移。 三是语序要记清,从句永保陈述序。 〖押题冲关〗 A 1.【2019 ? 黑龙江省大庆市模拟】The book_______I read last night was fantastic. A. that B. what C. whose D. who 2.【2019



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