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挫敗 挫敗 Personal success program 個人成功管理系统课程 课程内容 课程内容 —— 了解时间的真义 认识最有价值的资源 培养掌握管理 了解设定目标 行动是动力 发挥潜能,超越自我 学习设定目标 设定目标与成功的关键 本课程— 导师—赵智光博士 透过互动体验式训练,对个人作最深入、最透彻的了解,充分运用阁下的心态,迈向成功之路。 最具分量之成功课程! EQ博士赵智光先生独创! 即学即用,物超所值! 国际杰出讲师、激励训练专家、著名EQ博士。 从事探讨人类行为及训练工作逾二十年,拥有丰富的训练经验。 注重实效训练,演绎幽默生动,甚具启发性。 学会了解自己!提升动力!运用潜能!发挥自我!迈向青云路!! 组织计划与时间管理 研习目标: 一,解时间的真义 二,时间是人生中最有价值的资源 三,会好好掌握自间的人,就是好的管理者 重点内容: 正确的时间观念 有效使用时间的八大法则 节省时间的有效途径 时间管理新秘方 正确的时间观念: 时间是世界上最短缺的资源 我们不能管理时间,只能管理我们的活动 时间管理观念是要先做重要的 「改天」,「等一下」的想法意味着失败 时间的类型: 工作时间 休息时间 健康时间 娱乐时间 学习时间 宁静时间 Time时间管理 **You can never manage time you only can manage your activities. ** **你不能管理时间,你只能管理你的行动 ** 重要 重要 不重要 D A B C 时间版 紧急 不急 百万富翁组织计划工具 Things To Do 今日行动 20 Ways to save time You cannot manage time, you can only manage activities. Pinpoint your goal.“What precisely, do I want to accomplish?” Do the work in the order of importance. List the important & urgent jobs, do the urgent first and immediately follow by the important ones before they become urgent. Motivate yourself, by rewarding yourself for the job done. Establish datelines or timelines. Say, “I’ll answer the letter before lunch,” instead of, “I’ll answer it later.” Be decisive and follow with action. Say, “NO.” There is no need to make pointless commitments. Keep phone conversation simple, short and to the point. Write down ideas and appointments immediately as they’re made. Stop interruption, free yourself. Listen by checking your 5Ws & H Look for shortcuts. Instead of A, B, C & D, do it A, B & D Anticipate extra needs, ready extras, have them ready, (a big job can be slowed by lack of a small pin). Do it now! Don’t fool yourself with waiting for the best time. The Best plan tomorrow is never better than a good action today. Use travel & waiting fully. Maximise your leisure time. (Select movies, programs, magazines, etc carefully.) Be active. Start earlier. Respect your time and the time of others. Always ask, “What next?” It gives urgency to your work. 成功利用时间二十法 你不能管理时间,你只能管理每天


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