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女性服装的演变 缠足与高跟鞋( BOUND FEET AND HEELS) 道 cm 12cm 20cm 女为悦已者容 As the saying goes, a woman is herself who is pleased with herself. Women are male gazing objects, the ones that are being looked atl. In a patriarchal society, man,'s gaze presents the gaze of society. In order to get men's appreciation, women constantly show themselves, even do not distort themselves. Men control women through gaze 女为悦己者容。女人是男性凝视的对象,处于被看的那位。在父权社会中,男人 的凝视代表社会的注视。为了得到男人欣赏的目光女人不断展示自己,甚至不 惜扭曲自己男人通过凝视控制了女人 在父权社会中男女“看”与“被看”不平等的地位所玩的恶作剧。鞋是性和政治 从属于男性,她们 些没有坚实经济后盾的女性只能出没于厨 作或从事地位低下的 雅之地,她们的双脚多 粗糙而难看。鞋对 与否都不会 性旬秀满足她们长金定的门个物改而粗经济出湖質交 In the patriarchal society, men and women" see"and"be seen" unequal status of ying pranks. Shoes are the symbol of sex and politics, not the essence raditional women tend to belong to men who do not work or engage in low status jobs. Those who do not have solid economic backing of women can only appear he kitchen, farms, workshops and other indecent, their feet Shoes are nothing more than a thing that separates the body from the ground Wearing shoes or not will not make them the object of gaze. They are invisible people in society. The women who have the economic backing can gallo around the stores and meet their insatiable desires. High heels are one of the tools for them to dress up as beautiful


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