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PAGE PAGE # Book 8 Unit 3 Inven tors and inven tio ns 语境运用 语境词汇运用 ?词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化 ) They got two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they ' d never have been able to (承 担得起)to go. The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market (稳定的). At what age are children able to ( 辨另U) between right and wrong? The husband left home, for he couldn 't (忍受)his wife ' s bad temper. A month before the even t, I spe nt hours work ing out a schedule outl ining my goals and _ (实用的)steps. The elepha nt (抓住)a n earby branch and put it into her mouth. For Internet universities, exams and diplomas will be (有效的)if they can defeat academic cheati ng. Armed with the information you have gathered,you can (开始做)preparing your bus in ess pla n. ( 有时)we slowly pulled one kite back, watching it dancing up and down in the wind. He didn ' t feel well and (给 打电话 )the manager to ask for a day off. Most of the teleph one lines were destroyed by the hurrica ne last ni ght, so today it ' s almost impossible to (设法联系上 )to anybody. 12.I ' ve got to a point in my life where I know I am smart eno ugh to (一心投入)an area that is totally unknown, hard, but i nteresti ng. The manager (挂断电话 )before the worker could explain why he was late. The washing machine bought yesterday is (发生故障),which makes him a little annoyed. You' ll have to (不肖等)for a while if you want to see Steve. He ' s just gone out. 答案 l.afford 2.stable 3.dist in guish4.bear5.practical6.seized 7.valid 答案 l.afford 2.stable 3.dist in guish 4.bear5.practical 6.seized 7.valid 8.set about 9.Now and the n 10.called up 11.get through 12.dive into 13.ra ng off 14.out of order 15.ha ng on ?单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化 ) BookCross ing provides an (ide ntify )nu mber to stick in side the book.(2016 课标 全国n ) Whe n the ice is heated above (freeze) poin t, it begi ns to cha nge into a liquid state. The bus stopped (abrupt), which made many passe ngers fall off their seats. 4.ln moder n society, pun c


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