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实用文档系列 文档编号:YL-SY-26192 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 托福阅读句子改写要点精析 通过下面具体来看二个例题,“把握作者的意图”这样一个原则放在重要的题型中怎么使用呢?来看个句子改写题,句子改写题就是考察你在一个句子内部如何把握它重要的信息。但是直接给你一句话,请你找出它最核心的信息,这其实是很困难的。不妨换一个思路:作者这句话的目的和功能是什么? 托福阅读提升实例精析:例1 [结果]These plants are termed opportunists because [原因]they rely on their seeds’ falling into settings where competing plants have been removed by natural processes, such as along an eroding riverbank, on landslips, or where a tree falls and creates a gap in the forest canopy. A. Because [原因]their seeds grow in places where competing plants are no longer present, [结果]dandelions are classified as opportunists. B. [结果]Dandelions are called opportunists because [原因]they contribute to the natural processes of erosion and the creation of gaps in the forest canopy. C. The term opportunists apply to plants whose seeds fall in places where they can compete with the seeds of other plants. D. The term opportunists apply to plants whose falling seeds are removed by natural processes. 你发现原句中有个because,就知道这句话是在解释,必定有因有果。我们先去找因和果。结果是这些植物被称为机会主义者,原因是它们依赖种子掉进一个环境,后面说这个环境里竞争性的植物已经被移除了,即没有竞争性的环境。对句子稍做整理后变成,因为它们依赖自己的种子掉进一个没有竞争性的环境,所以这些植物被称为机会主义者。 有同学会问,后面的such as要怎么处理。一般我们有个原则,在句子当中如果是补充的信息,那很重要;如果是重复的信息,应该是不重要的。所以看such as只要明白一点,它到底给前面的什么内容举例。看例子的内容,会发现说的都是地方,说明是给setting举例,那么就可以把它放在一边。 于是,我们明白作者原句的意图是在解释有因果的关系,那么四个选项中正确的答案必定在逻辑关系和讲话的意图上和原句是一样的。发现A、B、C、D中只有A和B是有因果的,再进一步看具体的内容,可知A的原因和结果都与原句一致,为正确选项。 托福阅读提升实例精析:例2 [转折前]Estimates indicate that the aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Huron, but unfortunately, [转折后]under the semiarid climatic conditions that presently exist in the region, rates of addition to the aquifer are minimal, amounting to about half a centimeter a year. A. Despite the current impressive size of the Ogallala aquifer, the region’s climate keeps the rates of water addition very small. B. Although the aquifer has been adding water at the rate of only half a centimeter a year, it will eventuall


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