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课时分层作业(二十三)  Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world.In September,1923,Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it.They had to be completely rebuilt.One of the most serious earthquakes was in China's Shanxi Province in 1556.It killed almost one million people. We measure an earthquake's strength on the Richter Scale.The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935 in Southern California in the USA.It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten.Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious. The Earth's crust(地壳)is made up of rock called plates.As these plates move,they sometimes crash(撞)against each other,causing the crust to quake.In cities such as Tokyo,where small quakes happen quite often,many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves,they move with it. Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes.This can cause fire to break out,which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis(海啸).These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea.They can be many metres high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities.China,Japan,Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence(发生)of earthquakes in the world. 1.The passage is mainly about________. A.scientists who study the earthquakes B.a usual natural disaster C.the way of measuring earthquakes D.what people should do in the earthquakes 2.The earthquake in Shanxi Province ________,which is NOT true? A.happened in 1556 B.killed almost one million people C.was the only earthquake in China D.caused a lot of damage 3.Earthquakes________. A.happen all over the world B.are not serious C.most possibly happen in Japan D.don't cause much damage 4.According to the passage,we know that tsunamis ________. A.can cause earthquakes B.are caused by earthquakes C.only happen on land D.are a way of measuring earthquakes 【语篇解读】 中国和日本在历史上都曾发生过强烈的大地震,地震会给人类带来什么样的危害呢


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