《How can I get there》PPT课件11[文字可编辑].ppt

《How can I get there》PPT课件11[文字可编辑].ppt

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turn [t?n] 转弯 转左 转右 [streit] 直走 我怎样可以到达博物馆 直走五分钟,然后转左 [n?:θ] 北面 [sauθ] 南面 west] 西面 : [i:st] 东面 Unit1 How can I get there? 新内容指导 Unit1 How can I get there ? (A) Words 单词 : post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum in front of behind near next to Sentences 句子 : A: Excuse me. Where is the museum shop ? B: Its near the post office. What is this? Its a post office [p?ust ‘?fis] Go to the post office, post a letter. 邮局 What is this? Its a science museum science museum [‘s a??ns] 科学,自然 [mju‘z?:?m] 博物馆 Go to the science museum , have a look. PPT 模板: /moban/ PPT 素材: /sucai/ PPT 背景: /beijing/ PPT 图表: /tubiao/ PPT 下载: /xiazai/ PPT 教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载: /ziliao/ 范文下载: /fa nwen/ 试卷下载: /shiti/ 教案下载: /ji aoan/ PPT 论坛: PPT 课件: /ke jian/ 语文课件: /kejian/yuw en/ 数学课件: /kej ian/shuxue/ 英语课件: /kejian/ying yu/ 美术课件: /kej ian/me ishu/ 科学课件: /kejian/kexue/ 物理课件: /kej ian/wul i/ 化学课件: /kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件: /keji an/she ngwu/ 地理课件: /kejian/dili/ 历史课件: /kej ian/lishi/ bookstore [b?kst?:(r)] 书店 What is this? Its a bookstore . Go to the bookstore , buy a book. cinema [‘s?n?m?] 电影院 What is this? Its a cine ma . Go to the cinema , see a film. 医院 hospital [h?sp?tl ] What is this? Its a hospital . Go to the hospital , see a doctor. in front of behind near next to in front [fr?nt] of :在 …… 前面 behind [b?ha?nd] :在 …… 后面 near [n??(r)] :在 …… 附近 next to [nekst tu:] :与 … 邻接的 方位介词 1 、怎样询问某地的位置 当你想知道某地的位置时,可以用 where 引导的特殊疑 问句来询问。 知识点讲解: Where is + 地点名词 意思:……在那里 解读: where 副词,意思“在哪里,到哪里” 答语: It is + 表示位置的介词 + 地点 例句: Where is your school? It is near the museum.


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