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中国工程热物理学会 传热传质学 学术会议论文 编号: 太阳照射下吸附床内部温度的数值模拟 * 高东东 侯晓煌 苑中显 张茜 (北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院,北京,100124) zxyuan@bjut.edu.cn) 摘 要 本文介绍了在太阳照射下不同时刻吸附床内部温度的变化情况。在一天中,由于各个时刻太 阳的位置不同,太阳的辐射强度也不同,因此在太阳照射下的吸附床内部各个时刻不同位置的温度也 是不同的。采用计算机仿真软件FLUENT 对太阳照射下在不同边界条件下对吸附床内部的温度变化进 行模拟,可以很清楚地看到吸附床内部的温度变化规律。文中对冷却铜管在恒壁温冷却和空气自然对 流冷却两种情况下模拟的结果进行了分析,从而可以与实验所得的数据进行对比,有利于对吸附床的 传热优化提出改进建议。 关键词 太阳能;吸附式制冷;数值模拟 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE TEMPERATURE IN THE ADSORBENT BED IN INSOLATION GAO Dong-Dong HOU Xiao-Huang YUAN Zhong-Xian ZHANG Xi (Environment and Energy Engineering College, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing,100124) zxyuan@bjut.edu.cn) Abstract This paper describes the internal temperature changes in the adsorbent bed at different time in insolation. The intensity of solar radiation is different due to the different position of the sun at each time of one day, therefore the temperature in the adsorbent bed is different at each time in different locations. The temperature field in the adsorbent bed in insolation under different boundary conditions was simulated with the computer simulation software FLUENT, you can clearly see the temperature variation inside the bed. This paper also analyzed the simulated results of cooling copper pipe under the boundary conditions of constant wall temperature cooling and natural air convection cooling, then the experimental data can be compared, which helps to make suggestions for improvement to optimize the heat transfer in the adsorbent bed. Key words solar energy, adsorption refrigeration, numerical simulation1 1基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No 作者简介:高东东,(1989- ),男,硕士生;苑中显,(1


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