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刘桥二矿二 水平放水试验设计 1 摘 要 刘桥二矿属华北隐伏型煤田,主采煤层为二叠系下石盒子组 4 煤层和山西组 6 煤层。目前刘桥二矿已进入了二水平 - 600 m 开采阶段,随着开采水平的延深, 煤层底板承受高承压水的威胁也越来越严重。特别是在开采条件下,矿井内断层 有可能沟通太灰水和底部奥灰水的联系,造成淹井事故。所以,在该矿井对太灰 水进行放水试验,查明矿区水文地质条件和未知参数,就显得很重要了。 在综合分析刘桥二矿水文地质资料和充水条件的基础上,本论文作出了针对太 灰含水层的放水试验设计。综合放水试验的目的和要求,对放水过程、放水孔和 观测孔的平面布置情况、放水孔和观测孔的结构分别进行了设计,并阐述了放水 试验前期准备工作以及放水资料的整理和分析等内容。由于太灰水高承压的特点, 在防压、防喷方面采取了必要的措施,为放水试验的顺利进行提供了参考依据。 关键词:高承压; 太灰水; 放水试验; ABSTRACT No.2 Liu Qiao Coal mine is a concealed coalfield in northern China, in which the fourth seam of the Permian-Xiashihezi Group and the sixth seam of Permian-Shanxi Group are the main coal seam,and now this coal mine has entered into the second level of mining stage at - 600 m.With the extension of mining in depth,coal seam floor is more and more threatened by high-pressure of confined aquifer.Particularly in the mining conditions,the faults in mine may be the tie between limestone water in taiyuan formation and Ordovician Karst water at the bottom,causing the Flood Incident.Therefore, Finding out the hydrogeological conditions and unknown parameters in mining areas by dewatering test to limestone water in taiyuan formation is especially significant. In this paper,with the comprehensive analysis the existing hydrology geology mates and water-filled conditions of the No.2 Liu Qiao Coal Mine,the author makes the experimental design of the turn on water against the dewatering test to limestone water in taiyuan formation. Combine the purpose and the requirement,and then design the course of the test,the structure and the layout of the Drilling holes and peephole,and also expatiate the preparations of the test and settlement and analysis of the mater


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