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制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30制作:马宏伟 2015-8-30Chapter 1 Portal frame light-weight steel structure第一章 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构1.1 Summary (概述)The consist of portal frame (门式刚架结构的组成)The characteristics of portal frame light-weight steel structure are simple stress, clear path of force transfer, speed and ease of process and short?construct periods, so it is widely used in industrial, commercial and cultural entertainment and other public facilities in the industrial and civil buildings.门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构具有受力简单、传力路径明确、构件制作快捷、便于工厂化加工、施工周期短等特点,因此广泛应用于工业、商业及文化娱乐公共设施等工业与民用建筑中。Portal frame light-weight steel structure originated in the United States, has experienced nearly a hundred years of development, now, it has become a structural system with the design, production and improvement of construction standards.门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构起源于美国,经历了近百年的发展,目前已成为设计、制作与施工标准相对完善的一种结构体系。1.1 summary (概述)A portal frame building comprises a series of transverse frames braced longitudinally. The primary steelwork consists of columns and rafters, which form portal frames, and bracing. The end frame (gable frame) can be either a portal frame or a braced arrangement of columns and rafters.门式刚架为一种传统的结构体系,该类结构的上部主构架包括刚架斜梁、刚架柱、支撑、檩条、系杆、山墙骨架等。轻型门式钢刚架的结构体系包括以下组成部分(1)Primary structure: primary frame (主结构:主刚架).Bear the weight of the structure, wind, snow load and the vertical and horizontal load of the crane, and transfer the load to the foundation.承受结构的自重、风、雪荷载和吊车的竖向与横向荷载,并把这些荷载传递到基础。(2)Support system: transverse borizontal brace, column-and-brace, wind resistant pillar. 支撑体系:屋面横向水平支撑、柱间支撑、抗风柱;On the one hand, longitudinal frame is composed of support system, column and crane beam, which bears the longitudinal horizontal load; On the other hand, The main bearing system is the overall structure of the individual plane structure, thus ensuring the necessary rigidity and stability of the structure.它一方面与柱、吊车梁等组成单层厂房钢结构的纵向框架,承担纵向水平荷载;另一方面又把主要承重体系由个别的平面结构连成空间的


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