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蓝色字为注释,红色字为尚待校正部分。 00年8月 托福听力文字 Part A 1. M:do you have this style shirt in my size? W: Ill check. But...to tell u the truth,i think this ones right for u. Q:what does the woman mean? 2. M:oh,Im sorry. I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorderyou lent me.I left it back in my dorm. W: Thats all right.I wont need it until tonight. As long as Ive got itby then. Q:what does the woman Imply? 3. M: So how much was your plane ticket? W: More than I could really afford. I had to dip into my saving(动用存款). Q: What does the woman imply? 4. W:Wed. are going to be busy days for me next semester. Three class inthe morning and then two more in the afternoon. I wont even have time forlunch. M: You really should try to fit it in,you know. Those afternoon classes would be tough to sit through(耐着性子听完) if u stomachs rumbling(咕噜叫). Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 5. W: You are dropping out of the Marching Band? But I thought you lovedit. All the travelling,playing before big crowds. M:I do. But...with all that time away from my studies my grades are reallystarting to slip. Q:what does the man mean? 6. W:Im thinking of getting a new pantsuit(长裤与衣相配成套的便服)to wear to James wedding. M:I just hope that my old suit still fits. You know how I feel aboutshopping. Q: What does the man imply? 7. M: Whats my share of the bill?18.50? That cant be right!I only had a salad for dinner. W:dont get excited.let me check them out(核对). Q:what will woman probably do next? 8. M:Im surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired hissecretary. W:I know. But that Sarah...If she has an opinion,everyones got to knowit. Q:what does the woman mean? 9. M: how about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town. W: Sounds great,but Ive got to put finishing touches on my psychologyresearch paper. Q: What does the woman imply? 10. W:you wont have to look very hard to find a job on campus. But Idont think youll find anything that isnt just part-time. M: That suits me. Anythi


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