高中英语 课前导引 Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War素材 外研版选修10.docVIP

高中英语 课前导引 Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War素材 外研版选修10.doc

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PAGE PAGE 2 专心 爱心 用心 课前导引 一、词汇扫描 根据句意及各题括号中所给的汉语意思,从下面的方框中选择合适的单词或词组,用其适当形式填空。 e into existence address critical sympathetic cause be born into reveal identify dedicate lack fitting portion in vain 1.Nuclear weapons__________(威胁)the peace and security of the world. 2.These men shall not die__________(无意义). 3.I cannot__________(忍受)listening to that any longer. 4.Please give me three__________(份)of fruit and meat. 5.He__________(献给) the book to his friend. 6.In the hot summer the plants__________(缺乏) water. 7.It is impossible to__________(辨认) the man among so many people. 8.He never__________(泄漏) his secret. 9.The dog was the__________(原因) of the accident. 10.He was very__________ (同情) to me when I was ill. 11.They are men with__________(批判的) eyes. 12.When did this world__________(产生)? 13.The article__________(值得)careful study. 14.The chairman will now__________ (向……讲话)the meeting. 15.It is__________(合适的)for him to say that. 答案:1.threaten 2.in e into existence 13.deserves 14.address 15.fitting 二、句型聚焦 观察下列句子,试着归纳其画线部分所包含的句型结构。 1.Slave ships carried slaves over from Africa,keeping them in such terrible conditions that many died during the long sea journey. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2.As time passed,the North became more and more critical of the slavery in the South. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 答案:1.keeping them in such terrible condition... 此处v.-ing 形式作伴随状态 such...that 结果状语从句 2.as 是连词,引导时间状语从句。 三、语法平台 词语运用 1.The concert started__________ seven o’clock. He threw a ball__________ the girl. 2.__________ those students are from one village. My friends__________ like football. 3.The boy is__________ proud of his success. It was__________ small a room to hold so many students. 4.He__________ his whole heart into his work. 5.He didn’t__________ smoke a pipe. 答案:1 at at 2.All all 3.


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