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PAGE 广东工业大学 华立学院 本科毕业设计 高层办公楼钢框架抗震设计 论文题目 高层办公楼钢框架抗震设计 系 部 土木工程系 专 业 土木工程 班 级 05土木工程班 学 号 1052331 学生姓名 邓信雄 指导教师 肖又箐 摘 要 本工程为广州市某区拟按一般建筑标准建筑一幢钢结构高层办公楼。根据现场的土地使用面积将该楼设计成一对称布置的办公楼, 首层的标高为4.2米,其余10层的层高均为3.3m。楼层总高度为37.2m。建筑安全等级为二级,设计使用年限为50年,基本风压W0=0.5KN/m2,地震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.05g,场地类别为Ⅲ类,设计地震分组为第一组。 本工程结构设计采用框架结构,结构计算按纵向框架承重分析。具体内容包括:结构体系与结构布置; 估算梁柱截面; 计算简图, 结构计算选取第4轴框架计算,梁跨度取为柱中心线的距离; 内力计算,框架结构在竖向荷载下的内力计算采用迭代法;水平内力计算包括风荷载作用下的内力计算及地震作用下的内力计算,各种计算均作出内力图; 内力组合, 根据前面计算出的各种内力分别作抗震设计与非抗震设计的内力组合; 截面验算,选取最不利内力组合作截面验算; 基础设计, 本设计基础采用柱下独立基础; 节点设计;柱脚设计; 施工图设计。 关键词:高层;结构;钢框架结构 Abstract This engineering ,a high-level office building is to be built by general building standards in a district of Grangzhou City. According to the land use area will be carried into a symmetrical layout design of office buildings .The level of the first floor is 4.2m and the remaining ten floors are 3.3m high-level layers. The total height of the building is 37.2m. The building security rating is 2. The design working life is 50 years. The reference wind pressure is W0=0.5KN/m2 .Seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees.The basic design for seismic acceleration values 0.05g .The site for category Ⅲ. This engineering construction design adoption the frame construction. The structure of the vertical longitudinal loading analysis. Concrete contents include:Structural systems and structural layout; Beams cross-sectional estimations;Calculated sketch.Selecting the forthly axle structure as a framework for the calculation, and pillar axis lines for the span of the beam distance; Internal force calculation.Framework of the internal force in the vertical load calculated using iterative law;The level internal force calculations include the wind load and the earthquake load. Calculations were made internal force chart;Internal force combination.According to the previous calculated various internal fo


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