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PAGE PAGE # Section 皿 IntegratingSkills 课后篇巩固提升 一、单词拼写 1 .His house is (在 对面 )mine. 答案 opposite We would not (签署)the con tract before check ing with our man ager. 答案|sig n The country is (统治)by the people. 答案 governed There are some interesting (地理的)data as well. 答案 geographical 5.It is unu sual to see snow in this (地区). 答案region 6.The Trade Union will meet with (代表)from industries and the gover nment. 答案 representatives 7.But no physical objects have this (特点). 答案 feature 8.The shop sells only fresh local (农产品). 答案 produce 、完成句子 (一方面),I want to sell the house,but movi ng.(另一方面),I can ' t stand the thought of movi ng. 答案 On the one hand;on the other hand her work his(把她的工作与他的比较),you ' ll find hers is much better. 答案 Comparing;with finance( 从财力方面讲),Company A has a great adva ntage. 答案 In terms of The students are encouraged to take (控制)their own learning. 答案 control over The Chinatown was formed in (20 世纪 90 年代),when the shop owner was in his twen ties. 答案 |the 1990s The snow melted (逐渐地)when the sun came out. 答案 |little by little The old musical instrument has (属于)our family for a long time. 答案 belonged to &My family going a trip ( 旅行)this summer. 答案are;on 三、阅读理解 London Wetland Center is a paradise in busy south-west London. It ' s a small miracle to find 105 acres of well protected land rich in wildlife in this city,and it ' s a watery world of lakes,lagoons and marsh linked by flat paths,where 180 species of birds have been seen. It ' s lively in spring and summer with a large number of chicks and the grassla nd bright with flowers and in sects,but autu mn and win ter have their own characteristics. Interestingfact A group of bomb experts had to be called out when an unexploded World War n bomb was discovered during the development of the site. Bestthingaboutit ? There are birds from all over the world,but the biggest crowds gather for the two playful Asian short-clawed otters at feeding time. Whataboutlunch ? The choices are uninspiring and ex



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