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     篇一:《工厂实习报告(5000字)》   \   xxxxx实习小结   Practice Summary of xxxxx   作 者 姓 名   专 业   学 号   指 导 教 师   完 成 日 期   摘 要   时光飞逝,大学4年已进入尾声,我们从课堂步入了社会实践阶段,我也是很幸运的进入了上海三菱电梯参加实习工作。刚进入公司,公司也是给我们安排了安全教育及技能培训两个模块,首先是为了让我们渐渐去适应从学生转变为技术工人的过程,其次是让我们在技能操作方面建立一定的基础。   第一次参加实习,我明白大学生的实习是引导我们学生走出校门,走向社会,接触社会,了解社会,投身社会的良好形式;是培养锻炼才干的好渠道;是提升思想,修身养性,树立服务社会的思想的有效途径。这几个月的工厂实习,一晃而过,却让我从中领悟到了很多的东西,而这些东西将让我终生受用。实习加深了我与社会各阶层人的感情,拉近了我与社会的距离,也让自己在社会实践中开拓了视野,增长了才干,进一步明确了我们大学生的成材之路与肩负的历史使命。社会才是学习和受教育的大课堂,在那片广阔的天地里,我们的人生价值得到了体现,为将来更加激烈的竞争打下了更为坚实的基础。我在实践中得到许多的感悟,也对机械制造有了更深的认识。总结这段实习经历,希望扬长避短,让今后的自己更加完善。   关键词安全教育;技能培训;实习;总结   II   \   Practice Summary of SDJU   Abstract Time flies, four years’ university life has come to the end, we enter the social practice stage from the classroom, I was very lucky to enter Shanghai Mitsubishi elevator to participate in the internship. Just enter the company, the company is also arranged for the safety education and skills training of two modules, the first is to let us gradually to adapt to the transition from the classroom to the process of operating workers, then let us establish a certain foundation in the skills.   The first time to participate in the internship,I understand that the university students practice is to guide our students out of school,To the society, contact the society, know the society,Good form to join the society is a good way to cultivate talents.Improve the ideological, self-cultivation, effective way toestablish the social service idea.This several months of internship, in passing, but I learned a lot of things, and these things will let me a lifetime.Practice has deepened my feelings and social all walks of people, together with social distance I, also let oneself in the social practice and develop the field of vision, the growth of the talent, to further clarify our college students become useful way and historical mission. Social learning and education is a big classroom, in the vast universe, we embodied the value of life


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