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PAGE PAGE # Section I Introduction Reading Vocabulary 课后篇巩固提升 一、写作词汇检测 根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。 1 .equal We agreed to divide the money . 你一定会胜任那份工作的。 答案(equally (2)You re sure to be equal to the job. stress (1)It s a stressful position,so he felt (2)老师强调了诚实的重要性。 答案(1)stressed (2)The teacher laid stress on being hon est. 用所学的单词或短语造句。 bri ng up 答案 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. be similar to 答案 Her ideas are quite similar to mine. put...i n order 答案 Make a list of what you have to do,and put them in order with the most important at the top. 、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。 prin ciples1 .He is the person who always lives up to his prin ciples 含义 答案原则 Those facts are in flue ntial in solvi ng the problem. 含义 答案有影响的 Tom was forced to resign his position as an adviser. 含义 答案辞职 He majors in philosophy in uni versity. 含义 答案哲学 三、完成句子 你相信中国传统的中草药吗 ? Do you China s traditi onal herbal medicine? 答案 believe in 我的新裙子和你的那件相似。 My new dress is the one you have. My new dress is the one you have. 答案 similar to 孟子周游列国诠释他的哲学。 Men cius travelled explai ning his philosophy. 答案 from state to state 4 .是我姑姑把我抚养成人的。 It was my aunt who m 答案 brought;up 他讲笑话的方式很奇怪。 The way he tells a joke is strange. 答案 in which 他早逝的原因是他不注意自己的健康。 The reas on he died young was The reas on he died young was he didn t pay attention to his own health. 答案 why;that 这个国家与邻国已经打了两年仗了。 The country has bee n with its n eighbour for two years. 答案at war 你应该听从我的建议。 You should . 答案 follow/take my advice 四、阅读理解 A The Chin ese were the real inven tor of printin g.Ce nturies ago they carved messages on the stone and then sprinkled( 撒)sooty( 炭黑色的)dust over the stone carving.When they put a small piece of paper over the stone and rubbed the paper,the sooty lines were reproduced on it.Some of these first prin ted papers have bee n preserved.The oldest ones known to exist are more tha n one thousa nd years old. Printing with carved stone blocks was the only kind of printing know


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