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中国铁路治沙情况综述 THE SYNOPSIS OF RAILWAY SAND CONTROL IN CHINA Lanzhou The First Railway Survey and Design Institute of China 1中国沙漠铁路现状 Present Circumstances of Desert Railway in China ◆中国是世界上沙漠分布面积最厂的国家之 沙 面积(包括戈壁)达 2,占国土面积的1Z5 Do China is one of the countries which possess the largest area of desert in the world. The area of desert(Gobi included)is 1.689 million km2, amounting to 17.6% of the total area of the count 世纪五十年代 中国铁路的总里程已达7万 公 中沙漠铁路为500 China has built over 70, 000 km of railway, of hich railway line in the desert area spans more than 5,000 km. ◆中国建成的通过沙漠地区的铁路主要有:包兰、兰新、南 包西等20余条。目前,这些铁路 The 20-plus railway lines passing hrough the desert are: Baotou-Lanzhou Railway y Line qinghai Tibet Railway Line, South Xinjiang Railway Line Gantang-Wuwei Railway Line, Baotou-Xian Railway Li ngwe ne railway lines are carried out normally and successfully 危害。中国的铁 Id and sand have caused dar es to train operations, the se Ministry of Railway ffort desert control and accumulated abundant perence ◆塔克拉玛干沙漠是世界上第二大移动性沙漠 996年,中国建成了穿越该沙漠的世界上最长的 沙漠公路。这条公路是为了运输塔里木盆地的石 油、天然气,发展中国西北经济而修建的 aklimakan Desert is the second largest moving desert in the world. In 1996, China completed the 522-km Taklimakan desert road, which is the longest road of its kind running through a desert. It is playing an important role for the transportation of petroleum and gas from Tarim Basin and for promoting economic development in the northwest part of China ◆中国政府已经决定分三步,为这条沙漠公路修建 绿化带。 China has kicked off a three-phase project to build a green belt for this road ◆到2000年底,中国的科学家成功的在这条线上建 成了63km长的试验带。 By the end of2000, Chinese scientists have built a pilot project, a 6.3-km-long forest shelter, along the highway ◆现在,这条路的两侧正在植树造林。NoW, trees are being planted along both sides of the highway, which will be 522km long


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