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如何准备和做好口头演讲? How to Prepare and Deliver an Oral Presentation;目的;演讲片制作要求;1-字体大小从18到32 Use letter sizes from 18 to 32 points.;2-为方便提高浏览速度,使用san serif字体 Use san serif fonts because they can be read more quickly.;中文好的与不好的字体 Chinese fonts with excellent and poor legibility;3-字体加粗以方便听众快速阅读 Use Bold fonts that allow rapid reading;4-全是大写字母难以快速阅读 ALL CAPITAL LETTERS HINDERS RAPID READING;5-采用色差大的颜色 Use colors that give high contrast.;Use colors that give high contrast.;Use colors that give high contrast.;Avoid pure white background -- glare;深色背景的浅色字母和线条适合于较暗的房间 Light letters and lines on dark background work best in dark rooms;6-除非特别情况,避免使用多种颜色 Avoid multiple colors unless there is a very specific reason. ;7-无目的使用背景特效只能导致难以理解 Background effects have no purpose and only make understanding difficult.;8-怎样确定每张幻灯片的标题 How should you title your slides?;避免三维效果,多余的线条和边框 Avoid 3 dimensions, extra lines and frames, ;去除没有实际意义的绘图成分 Eliminate non-functional graphical elements.;前页的图可以如此简化以突出主要模式 The previous graph can be simplified to emphasize the principal pattern. ;避免红线条或字体 Avoid red lines or lettering.;红色线条或字体在深背景下读起来非常困难 Red lines or lettering are very difficult on a dark background.;Weight category of 281630 Students Los Angeles County, 2001;Weight category of 281630 Students Los Angeles County, 2001;Weight category of 281630 students, Los Angeles County, 2001;40%的学生超重或者有超重的危险 40% of students were either overweight or at risk of overweight. ;16-单个图片占满屏幕并配以标签说明 Let single pictures fill the screen and overlay them with labels.;17-使用激光笔时不要抖动 外周血涂片Peripheral Blood Smear;直接在图上重点位置使用箭头更好 外周血涂片Peripheral Blood Smear;18-其他注意事项;如何处理源自书面报告的复杂表格? How you handle this original table? ;最好将其分为几个简单的表格 Separate into a couple simple tables;每一个表???反映一个主要方面 one table present one main idea;数字和文字都一目了然 Data and Text obvious ;前一张幻灯中的表格还可以重新排列以强调率的对比 ;口头演讲;典型科学报告应遵循IMRAD 结构 A typical scientific presentation follows the IMRAD structure;演讲题目 Title Slide (10-15 sec);A Food-borne Gastroenteritis Out


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