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新世纪教育网 新世纪教育网 精品资料版权所有@新世纪教育网 A In leanning English , one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork of reading and writing . You' d better 31 your best to speak while you do much listening . Don' Ibe 32 of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your 33 . While you are doing this , a good 34 is to write-keep a diary , write notes or letters . Then if you can , ask some others to go through 35 you have written and tell you where it is wrong . Many mistakes in your speaking will be 36 found when you write . Through correcting mistakes , you can do better in learning English . If you are slow in speaking , don ' t 37 about it. One of the helpful ways is reading , either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose 38 interesting to read . It mustn ' t be too difficult for you . When you are reading 39 this way, don ' t stop to 40 the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences . You can do that some other time. 31. A . have B . send C. make D. try 32 . A . sure B . afraid C. proud D. tired 33 . A . En glish B . Chin ese C. Japanese D. French 34 . A . start B . idea C. way D. manner 35 . A . how B . whe n C. why D. what 36 . A . happily B . easily C. really D. slowly 37 . A . talk B . fear C. worry D . hurry 38 . A . someth ing B . everyth ing C. anything D . nothing 39 . A . by B . on C. at D . in 40 . A . look at B . look for C. look up D . look over 31 . D try one 's best to do sth力做某事“ 是固定搭配。 32 . B 学英语不要害怕犯错误 故答案选A。Be afraid of害怕做某事 . C 上下文可知本文讲的是学习英语的有效方法,故答案选 C,意为“方法;方式”。 . D 上下文可知是让别人来看一下你“所写的”,故答案选 D,意为“所……的”。 . B 上下文可知通过写就会很容易的发现在说时候犯的错误,故答案选 B。 . C 如果说的慢,不要“担心”,故答案选 Co . A “读”是一个提高英语的好方法,那么就应该找一些有趣的 东西去读,故答案选 A , something用于肯定句中。 . D in this way “通过这种方式“是固定搭配,故答案选并 D。 40. C短语辨析 如果你能猜生词的意思就不要去“查字典”,故答案选 C,意为“查阅; 查看”。 B Every one likes to receive gifts. In many coun tries people give gifts for special occasi ons. For example, in the Un ite



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