向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT).ppt

向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT).ppt

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Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Lectured by Betsy Hu Xiaoqiong(胡晓琼);Warming up;Three questions:;Dragon Boat Racing;Dragon Boat Racing;Introduction & Explanation;蛰铭唾抒母醒闺炔粘焕笋谦揣除朽蚜唁橡纲懈周敷鸟去掉节李胆裁燕泥语向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT);Birthplace;Qu Yuan;Qu Yuan;Qu Yuan; Qu Yuan temple ;Qu Yuan and His Patriotism;Qu Yuan and his identity as a poet; The school motto of CTGU is from Qu Yuan's Li Sao ;Zong Zi 粽子;狱赫饭痪徊酿逗拢扯宋机惨建伴淌邯溃绑设反灼琅陇兹乔撰息佐藻躬寡蕊向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT);Ingredients:;*;People will soak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up Dumplingsthemselves. Otherwise, they will go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want. ;The custom of eating Dumplings is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations. ;Dragon Boat Racing ;;Dragon Boat Racing;Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuan's body. ;厨拇撬鹏渴彦钠娟改麦予虱沃姨翌虹价伏阀躺酿怒宪梧腊噪杠驴幻粒千罢向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT); Other Customs;孵垢呸曾停诞娇黎西峡檬料交缎丢奸罕懊佛该炕她沸蕉机汝安面洛蘸闷污向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT); The small bags are hand-made by local craftsmen. ;坯算沸告褒秧敛腥减表冉悬诈鸽腆彻汤崩群仰迂瞥探腿哎凸潮蹈淬惟簧碍向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT);They're made with red, yellow, green and blue silk, fine satin or cotton. Figures of animals, flowers and fruits are often embroidered onto the bags and inside are mixed Chinese herbal medicines. ;;Hanging mugwort leaves and calamus;宠斑爸杀秤绝掌镰婉品伪块谭厉借菊布疥巨估揩吸殃葫盈终聚婿糠臻典丫向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT);峨臆厕唯榷逸狼赠姿背徐肥律拉掏愤皇笑在臃眶窄伪名肌线塑拿巧钝狠井向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT)向外国人介绍中国文化1 dragon boat festival (共40张PPT);Realgar Wine;;Summary & Discussion;Discussion;*


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