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洛阳师范学院 黄保超 Therefore, measures should be taken to deal with the issue. (主题句 ) On the one hand , parents should be more tolerant to their children , remembering that a child is a child and there is always such a stage in one s growth. On the other hand , children should also understand that without parents guidance, they won t be able to grow up healthily . Finally , parents should spent more time with their children. Of course , following these suggestions may not surely solve the problem, but it is worth the effort. (第二段解 决措施) 洛阳师范学院 黄保超 As for me, mutual understanding is the key solution. Undoubtedly, it is essential fo r both parents and children to understand each other for a good parent — child relationship. (发表自己的看法,总结全文) How to Get Information in Modern World ? In the modern world, it is important to be well-informed. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest information. ? There are various means of getting information which enables us to keep informed of what is going on in the world. First, we read newspapers and journals to know the latest developments in various fields. Second, radios and TV sets provide us with valuable news programs. Sept.10, 2010 洛阳师范学院 黄保超 模仿练习 1 ? How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic ? 1. Importance of solving the problem of heavy traffic ? 2. Ways to solve the problem of heavy traffic ? 3. My suggestion Sept.10, 2010 洛阳师范学院 黄保超 模仿练习 2 ? How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities. ? 1. 解决住房问题的重要性 ? 2. 三种可能解决住房问题的方案: 1) 多造高层建筑; 2) 向地下发展; 3) 疏散城市人口。 ? 3. 我的建议 3 )对比选择型 这类作文的标志十分明显,其要求比较明确,即直接要 求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题 或事物的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。 其基本结构: 第一段:首先对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍; 第二段:然后陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由 ; 第三段:之后表明自己的观点或态度。典型题目如: It Pays to Be Honest Should Education Be Commercialized? Choose a Famous University or a Favorite Major? Reading Select


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