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2. 喜欢和不喜欢 【中考链接】 ( ) — Have you watched the TV program named Chinese Poetry Competition ? — Yes. Its meaningful and ______. A. I love it very much B. I dont like it C. she cant stand it D. he doesnt mind it (2017 昆明 ) A 3. 希望和愿望 【中考链接】 — Our basketball team will beat theirs and win the match. — _____ Your team is the best in our city. A. Im afraid not. B. I believe so. C. Of course not. D. Well done! (2015 重庆 A 卷 ) B 4. 肯定和不肯定 【中考链接】 ( ) —Hes too short to be a successful basketball player. — ________.every dog has its day. A. I think so B. Its hard to say C. Thats right D. Youd better not (2017 江苏苏州) B 交际用语是很多省市中考试题单项选 择中的必考项目。下面我们就对常考的功 能意念项目进行分类总结并进行考例链接。 1. 购物 【中考链接】 ( ) — Good morning, sir! ______? —Id like to buy a sweater for my daughter. A. What can I do for you B. What are you doing C. How about the sweater D. Can you help me (2014 江西 ) 一、社会交往 A 2. 致谢 【中考链接】 ( ) 1. — Whenever you have difficulties, be sure to call me. — _____ A. I have no trouble. B. I am sorry to hear that. C. I will. Thank you very much. D. I will think it over. (2015 四川凉山 ) C ( ) 2. — Thank you for supporting the volunteer project. — _____. A. All right B. My pleasure C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter (2015 山东泰安 ) B ( ) 3. — Thank you for helping me with my physics. — _____. I hope you can do better in it. A. Good idea B. See you C. Im not sure D. Youre welcome (2015 天津 ) D ( ) 4. — Its a long time since we met last year, Alice. How longs it going? — __________. Many thanks. A. pretty good B. The same to you C. It doesnt matter D. Help yourself (2017 重庆 ) A 3. 道歉 【中考链接】 ( ) 1. —Mike, dont make so much noise. Its too late. — _______. Ill go to bed right now. A. Not bad B. Youd better not C. Yes, I will D. Sorry, I wont (2017 重庆 B 卷 ) D ( ) 2. — Dont throw litter here! — __________. A. Yes, please B. Youre welcome C. Me, too


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