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Penny Bright Lucent Technologies +1 630-713-7531 plbright@ GSM/TDMA Interoperability Setting the pace of Global Wireless Communications. * Introduction GAIT Formation: structure, background, deliverables Drivers for GAIT (e.g. Roaming) Requirements and Timeline Interoperability Elements Mobile Station / SIM Capabilities Network IIF Capabilities Example message flows Issues on NW and Handset-side * GAIT reports to both the UWCC and the GSM Alliance GAIT Organization * GAIT Background GSM/ANSI-136 Interoperability Team (GAIT) formed in February - March 1999 to address deliverables from the GSM Alliance/UWCC Scope and Charter: Develop mobile station (including Subscriber Identity Module) and network functional requirements and specifications for the interoperability and interworking of GSM and ANSI-136 based cellular/PCS systems Work with other industry bodies and the appropriate standards bodies to standardize the GSM/ANSI-136 interoperability service * GAIT Deliverables Network Spec. primarily addresses the GSM/ANSI-41 Interworking/Interoperability Function (IIF) as well as others: e.g. SMSC and ANSI-41 HLR Common Mobile Terminal Specification addresses the GSM/ANSI-136/AMPS Multi-Mode Mobile and SIM Test Plan Spec. In Progress -- needs stage 3 detail Detailed specification and standardization required to meet July 2000 targeted general availability Specifications will be frozen in November 1999 Network Spec. Submission to T1P1 in Nov. ‘99 Some portions of the detailed handset specifications have been submitted to TR-45.3 (for GHOST and SIM files and procedures) * GSM/ANSI-136 Interoperability: Key Drivers Support for international roamers GSM and/or ANSI-136 coverage exists in every developed city in the world 290 million GSM and ANSI-136 subscribers worldwide Support for GSM subscribers in regions that are otherwise predominately ANSI-136 Support for ANSI-136 subscribers in regions that are otherwise predominately GSM Seamless Service (features and user inte


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