2013届高考英语书面表达专题指导、练讲及习作评析(第二部分) 专题四 开放式专题练评1.docVIP

2013届高考英语书面表达专题指导、练讲及习作评析(第二部分) 专题四 开放式专题练评1.doc

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PAGE 4 - 第二部分 2013届高考英语书面表达专题练评 专题四 开放式作文练评 练评一 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it. 讲 评 该题借助一幅漫画,让学生表达自己对画面中内容的理解。在观察、理解试题的前提下,从不同角度,展开想象,表达自己的观点。 一、描图 仔细看图,搞清漫画所给我们的主要信息:两只乌鸦取水喝的不同方式:一只乌鸦直接通过管子喝水,而另一只则向瓶中投掷石块以抬高水面进而喝到水。在描述漫画内容时,考生要注意用自己比较熟悉的词汇、句型对画面内容进行简明、清楚地叙述。 1. In the picture, there are two bottles with a little water in them. A bird is working hard to drop the stones into a bottle in order to raise the level of the water. She flies around for many times, sweating a lot, while the other bird just standing on the edge of the other bottle uses a straw to drink the water inside. 2. As you can see in the picture, there are two bottles containing some water and two birds are finding ways to drink the water. One bird uses a pipe and drinks the water easily, while the other puts small stones into the water and can’t have access to drinking water right now. 3.As can be seen in the picture, one thirsty crow is busying himself throwing stones into a jar from its own jar with the help of a long straw. 二、解(议)图 解(议)图就是解读:漫画折射出什么生活现象, 给人以 什么启示。 从不同角度去看,对漫画就有不同的解读。但是只要我们联系现实生活,找到与画面主旨相对应的现实素材展开联想来解读这幅漫画的意义及其寓意(即漫画折射出的生活现象以及给人们的启示)。从画面与现实的“链接”中,确定话题及立意的方向。确定好立意之后,先写出主题句,再展开议论。议论要联系实际,摆事实,讲道理。只要是逻辑合理,立意可以是多样的。比如: 解读一:我们应该打破传统,创造性地去解决问题(完成任务) The message conveyed in the picture is clear. In pursuing a dream, we might focus on only the traditional way of making it come true, forgetting that there may be creative ways. As is shown in the picture, the crow using the straw gets water far earlier than the one following the traditional way of throwing stones. That is to say, some people tend to solve a problem with the same solution once it turns out to be effective, just like the crow on the right. Accustomed to the conventional way, they fail to take other alternatives into consideration, let alone trying to be innovative. 解读二:我们应该学会使用更高效的方法或



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