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UNIT 10Rock Mass ClassificationRock Mass ClassificationUrban Underground Space EngineeringHebei University of EngineeringClass 12-02 Group 1New Words and Expressions 先 看 单 词 或 短 语spanRefer to P92 Additionsspallslabbenchblastrock brustRMRheading / faceNATMRQD steel setscivil engineering rockboltstress fieldparametershot cretewire meshWhat Why How Who怎 么 阅 读For Example ① It is important to understand that the use of a rock mass classification scheme does not ( and can not ) replace some of the more elaborate design procedures. However,② the use of these design procedures requires access to relatively detailed information on in situ stress, rock mass properties and planned excavation sequence, none of which may be available at an early stage in the project. ③ As this information becomes available, the use of the rock mass classification schemes should be updated and used in conjunction with site specific analyses. ① [During the feasibility and preliminary design stages of a project, when very little detailed information on the rock mass and its stress and hydrologic characteristics is available], the use of a rock mass classification scheme can be of considerable benefit. ② At its simplest, this may involve using the classification scheme as a check-list to ensure that all relevant information has been considered. ③ At the other end of the spectrum, one or more rock mass classification scheme can be used to build up a picture of the composition and characteristics of a rock mass to provide initial estimates of support requirements, and to provide estimates of strength and deformation properties of the rock mass.LET’S GOPart OneEngineering Rock Mass Classification工 程 岩 体 分 类P88-89Engineering Rock Mass Classification工 程 岩 体 分 类Introductions读 前 介 绍Part TwoTerzaghi’s Rock Mass Classification太 沙 基 岩 体 分 类P89-90Terzaghi 我 是 太 沙 基现代土力学奠基人? 集教、研究、实践于一体 重视工程实践对土力学的发展? 麻省理工 维也纳高等工业学院 伦敦帝国学院 哈佛大学? 名誉博士学位9个 获ASCE最高奖诺曼奖4次 ( 唯一 )? 专设太沙基奖与太沙基讲座 ( 最顶尖 )太沙基 Karl Terzaghi1883~1963Descr


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