2019七年级英语下册 特色培优专项训练 Unit 5 Amazing things综合提升 牛津版.docxVIP

2019七年级英语下册 特色培优专项训练 Unit 5 Amazing things综合提升 牛津版.docx

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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 【2019最新】精选七年级英语下册特色培优专项训练Unit 5Amazing things综合提升牛津版 综合提升 Ⅰ.单项选择 ( )1. The panda is only 100 grams _______ birth. A. onB. inC. atD. of( )2. “What beautiful present!” Andy said to _______. A. heB. himC. herD. himself( )3.—Please open the door. —Oh, I didn’t remember _______ the key. What should we do?A. takeB. to takeC. takingD. to taking( )4.—Where is Mr Wang now? —In the library. I _______ him there three minutes ago.A. seeB. am seeingC. sawD. will see( )5.【2013·宜昌】—Do you know who took the students to the oldpeople’s home, Tony? —Well, Mr. Smith _______. A. tookB. doesC. didD. do( )6.【2013·河北】.Ken_______hisjacketinthegym.Hehastogetit back. A. leftB. leavesC. is leavingD.wasleaving ( )7.【2013·泸州】Oh, you are here. I _______ you came back.A. don’t knowB. didn’t know C. haven’t knownD. won’t know ( )8.【2013·温州】Sam opened the door and _______ a lovely dogoutside. A. findsB. foundC. has foundD. will find( )9.【2013·呼和浩特】—Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS!—Sorry, I _______ it. A. don’t seeB. didn’t seeC. haven’t seenD.won’tsee ( )10.【2013·苏州】—Frank, you look worried. Anything wrong?—Well, I _______ a test and I’m waiting for the result.A. will takeB. tookC. am takingD. takeⅡ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Is there _______ (something) interesting in today’s newspaper? 2. When she heard the bad news, she _______(feel) very sad. 3. _______(sudden) two young men came out of that room. 4. Millie asked what _______(happen) to Jim yesterday afternoon. 5.Mymotherwas_______(surprise)tomeetheroldfriendinthestreet. 6.When he saw me, he stopped _______(talk) to me. 7. I usually _______(get) up at six, but I _______(get) up at five lastSunday. 8. What _______ you _______(eat) for breakfast this morning? 9.【2013·安顺】Why not _______(bring) your cousin with you to visitthe museum? 10.【2013·安顺】I _______(listen) but heard nothing. Ⅲ.从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空 1.Please________________thelittlecat____________thenearbyanimalcentre. It’s so weak! 2. I am full. I can


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