初中英语八年级下Unit 7Reading Would you mind keeping your voice down说课稿1知识讲稿.ppt

初中英语八年级下Unit 7Reading Would you mind keeping your voice down说课稿1知识讲稿.ppt

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Section 1—section 3 1. 教材内容分析 2. 学情分析 3. 教学目标 4. 教法、学法设计 5. 教学过程 6. 教学反思 教学流程图 教学活动 板书设计 教学评价 1. 教材内容分析 1.本课时Unit 7第5课时,核心话题为:Etiquette(礼节)。 2.本课是对 would you mind doing sth? Could you please do sth2个句型进行的知识扩展和实际运用,使同学们认识到礼节在日常生活中的具体运用。 3.学会运用阅读技巧---找主题句。 4.教材中所给内容形式:阅读,对话。 综上所述,本课课型为——阅读讨论课。 3. 教学目标 语言技能目标 1.重点词汇 语言知识目标 2.重点句型 3. 重难点 情感态度目标 学习策略目标 文化意识目标 4. 教法、学法设计 (一)教学方法 任务型教学法(Task-based language teaching): 指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。 交际法(communication approach) (二)教学手段 1.多媒体辅助2.导学案辅助 (三)学法 教学流程图 读 前 读 中 读 后 复 习 输 入 输 出 复 习 预 测 略 读 细 读 内 化 总 结 判断习俗是什么? 归纳如何有礼貌的请求。 小组讨论和角色表演 将文本的主题结构和重点词汇复现 Before you read While you read After you read Pre-task phase: (5 mins) 2. During-task phase: ( 19 mins ) 3. Post-task phase: (16 mins) 5. 教学过程 Pre-task phase 1. Before class, I ask every student to look up the meaning of etiquette in the dictionary. 2. I also ask the students to find out that some etiquette being broken at school. 1. Look up the word “etiquette” in your dictionary. What does it mean? 礼节,礼仪 drop litter talk loudly smoke in public pick up litter keep voice down join the line put out cigarettes impolite behaviors polite behaviors break the rules follow the rules cut in line Look at the title and picture, predict what we’ll read about. From the passage, we may know_______. A. how to catch a bus B. speaking to others loudly C. someone who break the rules D. talking loudly on the bus is not good 2 mins During-task phase input output Skimming Careful reading Listening Match Group discussion Retell the article Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 Task 5 Read as fast as you can , and find “topic sentence” to each paragraph. Reading strategy: It is a good idea to find topic sentence in each paragraph. These sen


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