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第六课时 单元同步作文指导;本单元以“问路和指路”为话题,要求同学们学会帮助别人。具体到本单元书面表达中,要求同学们要学会指路,会正确清楚地表达到某地的路线。同时,也要求同学们能简单介绍自己所居住的社区,熟练掌握there be句型的相关用法及一些表示方位的介词(短语)的用法,将这些知识融入到书面表达中去。 教材中出现的方位介词(短语): ①near ②on ③behind ④next to ⑤across from ⑥in front of ⑦between…and;教材中出现的常用指路的短语: ①turn right/ left 向右/左拐 ②go/ walk along/ down… 沿着……走 ③at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口 ④on your left/ right 在你的左边/右边 拓展常用短语: ①go through 穿过 ②go across 穿过 ③walk on 继续走;下面是李明所在的社区平面地图,请你根据地图及线路,简单介绍李明的社区及其生活习惯,可合理发挥想象。;Look!This is a map of my friend Li Ming's neighborhood.His house is across from a bank on Xinhua Street.He usually takes a walk at the park near his house.It's between the hospital and the bookshop.On weekends he usually buys books at the bookshop.It's very quiet and he also enjoys reading there. To get there,he walks along Xinhua Street and turns right at the first crossing.Then he walks along Center Street and turns left at the second crossing.;【点评】开篇点题,引入地图。对指路的词汇和短语使用比较全面而不重复,例如turn right,turn left,walk along和at the second crossing等。想象的发挥合理,符合生活实际,如take a walk,buy books和enjoy reading等活动的描写。;假设你是Peter,准备本周六晚上七点在锦绣餐馆举行生日聚会,你打算邀请你的新朋友Tony参加。请你给他发一封电子邮件告知他此事,并根据下面的路线图告知他餐馆的位置。 提示词语:way 路线;invite 邀请 要求:50词左右,电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。;Hi Tony, I have my birthday party at Jinxiu Restaurant on Saturday evening.It starts at seven o'clock.I invite you to come to my party. Now let me tell you the way to the restaurant.Walk out from City Cinema,just go along Green Street and turn left when you see a market.Then walk down Heping Road to a big supermarket.The restaurant is across from the supermarket. Yours, Peter



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