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Unit 7;What’s the highest mountain in the world? How high is it?;Qomolangma;What do you know about the following numbers?;What do you know about the following numbers?;What do you know about the following numbers?;;Read the words and expressions loudly.;square meter deep desert ;Match the facts you know.;Listen and complete the sentences.;Teacher: Yesterday, we learned some important geographical facts. I hope you all still remember them. I’m going to test you now by asking a few questions. First, what’s the highest mountain in the world? Boy 2: Qomolangma! It’s higher than any other mountain in the world. Teacher: That’s right. And who can tell me what the Sahara is? Girl 1: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. Teacher: Very good. And which is the deepest salt lake in the world? Girl 2: The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.;Teacher: You’re all so smart! Now, for the last question, which is the longest river in the world? Boy 1: I know! The Nile is the longest river in the world. Boy 2: And the Amazon is the second longest river in the world. Teacher: It seems that you know the answers to all my questions. Good job!;Language points ;1. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high. ;这座山高三千多米。 The maintain is more than three thousand meters high. 它离我们只有三十八万公里。 It is only 380,000 kilometers away. 这座绿色长城长7,000公里。 The Green Great Wall is 7,000 kilometers long.;A: What is the highest mountain in the world? B: Qomolangma.;A: What is the biggest desert in the world? B: The Sahara.;Choose the best answer. 1. My brother is ___ more outgoing than me. A. many B. little C. much 2. October 12th was one of ______ days in 2005. Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射) successfully. A. exciting


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