高中英语必修五 第五单元Reading课件.ppt

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. 人教课标 高二 必修 5 Unit 5 . What is first aid? . What things at home can be dangerous? electrical equipment electric wires poisons knives hot water glass gas pets . What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid? drown bleed choke burn/catch fire cut a bloody nose a snake bite sprained ankle a broken arm Accident First aid . What has happened to them? What can you do to help? . a snake bite ? Go to hospital at once. ? Tell the doctor what kind of snake it was. . bleeding ? Try to stop the bleeding. ? Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. ? Hold up the bleeding part if possible. . a sprained ankle ? Avoid walking with the injured ankle. ? Use ice bag to ease pain and bleeding. . choking ? Make him / her spit by patting him / her on the back. . a broken arm ? Do not move the patient. ? Hold the broken arm still. ? Get medical help immediately. . a nosebleed ? Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. ? Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. . skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety n. 皮 ; 皮肤 n. 器官 n. 屏障 ; 障碍物 n. 毒药 ; 毒害 vt. 毒害 ; 使中毒 n. 光线 ; 射线 adj. 复杂的 n. 变化 ; 多样化 . liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove tissue swell n. 液体 n. 辐射 ; 射线 adj. 轻微的 ; 温和的 adv. 轻微地 ; 温和地 n. 平底锅 ; 盘子 n. 炉子 ; 火炉 n. 组织 ; 手巾纸 vt. & vi. 膨胀 ; 隆起 . scissors unbearable basin bandage vital n. 剪刀 adj. 难以忍受的 n. 盆 ; 盆地 n. 绷带 adj. 至关重要的; 生死攸关的 . electric shock squeeze … out over and over again 触电 ; 电休克 榨出 ; 挤出 反复 ; 多次 . . Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it. The text mainly introduces ______ types of burns and their characteristics as well as how to give _________________ when burns happen. first aid treatment three . The third layer The second layer The top layer Three layers of skin . Careful Reading Task 1: Fill in the blanks( based on the 1st Paragraph) 1. Our body's largest organ:_____ 2. We have of skin. 3. Your skin ______ you _____ or _____. 4. It ________ your body ______ ______ _


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