山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学七年级英语《Module 10 Unit 2 How often do you use a computer》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.docVIP

山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学七年级英语《Module 10 Unit 2 How often do you use a computer》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 2 用心 爱心 专心 山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学七年级英语《Module 10 Unit 2 How often do you use a computer》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版 I. Learning aims: Words: online; travel; download; Internet; grandchild; sometimes; check; train; Timetable; laptop; weekend; website; London; information Phrases: how often; go online; at school; make a travel plan; on the Internet; send emails; at the weekend=on weekends Structures: How often do you use a computer? Twice a week. II. 课前复习: A. 写出划线部分字母与组合的音标 keyboard _______ mouse _______ switch _____ first ______ then_______ travel_______ check ______ train _____ weekend______ B.汉译英: 1. 打开__________________ 2.把..和…连接起来_____________ 3. 在电脑上____________ 4. 保存新文件________________ 5. 在方框内___________ C. 根据提示完成下列句子 1. You can use a printer to p______________ your d_______________. 2. F_______________, we arrived the hotel. 3. It’s very dark. Please s____________ on the light. 4. Can you c___________ the mouse to the computer? 5.What do you do n__________? III. 自主学习: 英汉互译: 1. 发送电子邮件________________ 2. 上网_____________________ 3. 制定旅游计划________________ 4. 在互联网上_______________ 5. 在周末______________________ 6. 浏览网页_________________ 7. 多久________________________ 8. 列车时刻表_______________ IV. Language points. 1. How often do you use a computer? how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语提问(如:often usually always never seldom sometimes; once a week; very day) eg:____________ _____________ does he come here? ______________________________(一月一次) 2. I sometimes play Counter Strike and Final Fantasy. sometimes 副词,意为“有时” eg: I usually go to school by bike, but _________________ I go on foot. some times 意为几次 I have been to the Great W all _________________________. 3. information “消息”,为不可数名词,常用much, a lot of , lots of 修饰 eg: I can get more i______________________ on the Internet. v. 巩固练习 A. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. Can I c_____________ the train timetable? 2. Is Tina that old man’s g________________? 3. I often go to


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