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河北省承德市姜家店乡中学2018-2019学年高三英语上学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. It is difficult to reach an agreement because the majority of the committee members are___ it . A. for?????????? B. against????? C. to??????? D. with 参考答案: B 2. _____sufficient historical and legal grounds,China's position on the South China Sea has been consistent and clear.(  ) A.Associated with B.Based on C.Centered around D.Assessed by 参考答案: B associated with"与…有联系";based on"以…为根据";centered around"以…为中心;围绕…";assessed by"被评估".本题是过去分词短语作状语表示原因,Based on sufficient historical and legal grounds,意思是"因为以充足的历史和法律为根据",因此根据语境及句子所要表达的意思可知答案选B,其它选项意思与语境不符. 34. However expensive the clothing is, buy it as long as you _________the style. A. get into?????? ????? ???????? B. fit into?????? ??? ???????? C. look into???????? ???? D. fall into 参考答案: B 略 4. The chance came last year______ I could to visit China with my parents. ?? A. that??????????? B. when????????? C. which??????????? D. where 参考答案: A 略 5. —Mike, the results are ______ with our earlier research. —Fantastic! That’s what we’ve been expecting. A. apparent B. sustainable C. concrete D. consistent 参考答案: D 试题分析:考查固定短语。根据后文的Fantastic!可知此处句意:迈克,结果与我们先前的研究相一致。Be consistent with 与.....相一致,故选D项。????????? 考点:考查固定短语 【名师点睛】 固定短语的考查需要考生的长期积累,注意把握积累的方向,在考试时能够准确无误的应用。 6. —    ?? either he or I to host Talent Show in our school this year? —I have no idea,either. A. Is  B. Am??? C. Are ???????? D. Were 参考答案: A 7. As a matter of fact, most thieves in supermarkets ______ themselves ______by constantly looking around for cameras. A. show; away????? B. put; away???? ??????? ???C. bring; away????????? D. give; away 参考答案: D 8. If a computer crashes,you will lose the file you ________on if you don’t save it early enough. ? ?A.are working ?B.work??? C.will work?? D.worked 参考答案: A 9. 27.—Did you get to the railway station on time? ??? —Sure.The city center wasn't as crowded this morning as it usually ???????. ??? A.was??? ?????????????????????? B.is??? ???????????????????????????? C.has be



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