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PAGE PAGE # 听力测试出0 听力测试出0分) I.听旬子.选择与所听句子内容相符的图片? ()6. A. Yest please. B* OK, no problem. C. Not at all. 岳城责任区八年级英语期中试题 学校: 班级:______ 姓名: 成绩: ()7. A. OK, I will. ThatT s right { )8. A. My uncle, C-1 broke it. Ek Good luck. Bh It is broken. ()9, A, [ hope not. That1 s a good idea, No way. ()10. A. J *11 go shopping. I have a math test today. Cr I got a gift from my father, HL听以下两段对话,选择最桂答案。 听下面一段对话’回签第I]至第12两个小题“ ()11. What after-school 心也弱 does Gres take? lnuc)A: put off B, cut off C. take off D. get off)29. My parents are strict with me and they don 1allow me lnuc) A: put off B, cut off C. take off D. get off )29. My parents are strict with me and they don 1 allow me — oiit late+ A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying )30, My mother in the kitchen when my fath( it to sing a(n) 33 song ior them. Han 卜.agreed. B. will cook D. was cooking be afraid was staying at a small hotel, she met with something tcrrihle. Han E was so upset that she started to cry, and then she sang a sad song. t u Everyone in the area 31 her, and they were all moved to tears (眼泪)》Thty were so sad that (they couldn1 t cat 32_ three days. And then one of lhe people went to Han E and asked her B. waited D. knew B. from D. between B. special IX old B, gave up E>. woke up B, questions D” gifts The violin class. B. The piano class. Cr The basketball class, ()12. How often does Greg have the class? A, Twice a week. B. Twice a month, C+ Twice a term. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小題」 ()13, What is the matter with Bob? He is upset. Br He is hurt. U He is sick. ()14. Why does Bob have to keep quiet at home? His father likes to be quiet. His father is steeping. His father works at home. ()15, What does Bob think of his parents? A, Friendly. B. Strict. C. Smart. 听短文'选择正确的答案。 ()16. What was the matter with Alice? She lost money, She made some mistakes. She did badly in the math test. ()17. How did Alice look when she got the result? A, Unhappy. B. Glad. C. Quiet. ()1 & Why didn' t Alice tell Mary the resul


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