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?在具体的语言环境中实现对语言知识运用 的考查是高考设题的热点,也是与新课标、 新课改的精神保持一致的,因而情景交际 用语的题目在高考试题中所占的比例越来 舷大誇查越来舷灵洁。题自的特点是贴 近现实生活,口语化特别强,语言灵活地道, 因此,我们要熟悉常见的情景交际用语,分 析具体的语境,学会常见的应答语。现以 近两年的高考试题就考查方向作个分析。 只需要知道 接下来 讲 高考英语情景交际用语 0 bwJ Y R D 1 ?道歉与应答 ?英语中常见的道歉语有: 1. Sorry/Pm very/terribly sorry. 2. Please forgive me. 3. Excuse me, please. 4」beg your pardon/Pardon me for... 5. I'm sorry to... ?英语中常见的道歉应答语有: 1. Thafs all right. 2. Thafs OK. 3. Never mind. 4. It doesn't matter. 5. It's nothing. 6. Forget it. 7. Don't worry about it. 1 ?—Can you read the sign, Sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! A. Never mindB? DorYt mention it C. Sure, I dorft smokeD. Pardon me 分析:D。在不该抽烟的地方抽烟,被提醒后应 该道歉。 2. —I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner. — ? Well get together later. A. Go aheadB. Not to worry C. Thafs rightD. DorYt mention it 分析:B。对道歉的回应。Not to worry意为 “别担心;没关系” O 2 ?提供或请求帮助 ?英语中表提供或请求帮助的常见用语有: 1. Would you do me a favour? 2. May I ask a favour of you? 3. What can I do for you? 4. Could you help me with...? 5. Can l/you give you/me a hand? 6. Would you please help...? ?英语中表达接受帮助的常见用语有: 1. Yes, thanks. 2. Thafs very kind of you. 3. Yes, please. 4. Thank you. That would be fine. ?英语中表达拒绝帮助的常见用语有: 1. No, thanks. 2. No, but thank you all the same. 3. No, its all right. I can man age myself. —It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? No5 thanksB. Yes, my pleasureC. No, never mindD. Yes, I do 分析:A。对别人提供的帮助表示拒绝 —Would you please help me with the box? A. Yes, pleaseB. No, please dorftC. With pleasureD. My pleasure 分析:C。with pleasure“非常愿意”,用 于礼藐扯表示斥意减别人请耒自自做的事1 I冃o —Could you be so kind as to close the window? A. With pleasureB. Go aheadC. Yes, pleaseD. Thafs OK 分析:A。with pleasure"非常愿意”,用 于礼娩:臥走示斥意做别人请求白包做0勺重 情。 —Good evening. Huangshan Hotel. — Good evening. ? Do you still have a room for tonight What would you like, please Is there anything I can do for you Who is that speaking, please 分析:A。从语境分析?上一句应是宾馆 工作人员说的,而下一句的说话者是顾客。 3:祝愿与应答 ?英语中常见的祝愿语有:1. Have a good …(day/time/journ ey/trip)! 2. Good luck? 3.


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