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初一优秀英语演讲短文 演讲在当今全球化时代的交流中作为促进合作的有力 方式起重要作用。 篇1 X精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习! 杨承霖,13岁,河北 Ordinary or Extraordinary? I have heard a story about two workers. One day, a reporter came and asked the first worker what he was doing. He xxplained that he was virtually a slave, an underpaid bricklayer who spent the whole days on placing bricks on top of one another. The reporter asked the second worker the same question. However, his response was quite different. “ I am a lucky dog in the world, ” he said, “I am getting to be a part of the important and beautiful architecture. And I help turn the simple bricks into perfect masterpieces. ” They were both right . The truth is that we see what we want to see in life. If you want to find fault with others, your career, or anything in general, you will certainly be able to do so. But the opposite is also true. If you look for something extraordinary in what looks ordinary, you can train yourself to see it. The bricklayer sees buildings with bricks. The question is if you can. Can you see the extraordinary that exists in our daily life? Can you see the perfection of the universe in action? Can you see the extraordinary beauty of nature? And can you see the incredible miracle of human life? To me, it s only a matter of intention. There is so much for us to be grateful for, so such for us to be in awe about. Life is precious and extraordinary! So, if you put your attention to this fact, the little, ordinary things will take on a xxpletely new extraordinary meaning. 平凡与不平凡 我曾听过一则关于两个工人的故事。一天,有位记者来 到工地,先问第一个工人在做什么。这位工人怨气十足地回 答说自己只不过是一个奴隶,一个收入菲薄的砖瓦匠。可是 当记者问到第二个工人同样的问题时,这位工人的回答却大 不相同。“我是这个世界上最幸运的人。”他说道,“我是 这巨大而美丽的建筑的一部分,我用自己的努力将简单的砖 块儿变成完美的杰作。” 他们的回答都是正确的。 他们的回答之所以不同,在于他们看待生活的方式不 同。我们想在生活中看到什么,我们就会看到什么。如果你 想在别人身上找毛病,想在事业上找过失,想在这个世界上 找缺陷,你一定能找到。相反,如果你想找到好的一面,你 也一定能找到。如果想在平凡中寻找不平凡,你也一定能找 到。 那位建筑工人可以从砖块儿看到大厦。我们能否 ?我们 能从平凡的生活中看到非凡吗 ?我们能看到运动中的宇宙的 完美吗?我们能看到大自然的美韵吗 ?我们又能看到人类生 活当中正孕育着那超乎想象奇迹吗 ? 在我看来,这只不过是一种生活态度。世上既有无数令 人感激的事情,也有无数令人可怕的事情。正因如此,生活 才是那么的珍贵和不平凡



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